Tuesday, September 13, 2011


We were given the opportunity to review a pair of Heely's!  You know the shoes with the wheels in the bottom?  Well, after looking at them, I realized that being pregnant and not having good balance, I probably wasn't the best to review them... So then I looked for Jacob's size... :( Very sad to find they didn't offer little kid sizes...  So then it fell to the husband!  Oh he wasn't thrilled at first, kinda one of those, "What did you rope me into this time?" moments!  But I got him to finally pick a pair.  He ordered the Double Threat, something that looks not too crazy for a dad over 30, they are gray with orange and black trim.  There were some great styles to choose from, some more crazy than others, but the company also knew how to have some toned down styles as well!
(Definatly the pair I would have chosen!)

Well they arrived right in the middle of our garage sale, and of course the husband had to put them on right away!!!  He loved them!  Our 4 year old son was a little jealous that Dad had a really cool pair of shoes and he didn't...  They seem very sturdy and I loved that you can pull out the wheels and just wear regular shoes (perfect for school, or other places where wheels are not really that appropriate!).   

(Pair hubby ordered!!!)

I think that the hubby would have worn them a lot more, he thought they great for working with the kids at church and playing with Jacob (hopefully they will get little kid sizes soon!!) however they didn't work well with a previous knee injury and brought back a little pain to the knee.

The Heely's website also has some great videos on learning how to wheel around and even do some great tricks with your shoes! 

I think that the Heely's are a great product, and maybe once Jacob gets up to the right size, we will probably be getting him a pair to ride around on!  And hopefully the hubby's knee will get a little stronger and he can wear his again!

I was given a free pair of Heely's in return for my honest opinion from Buisness2Blogger.  I have given my honest opinion and that is all! :)

Adjusting to curcumstances...

I will let you in on a little secret... I do not like change!  Yes I love to rearrange furniture, move, travel, have some last minute plans, but overall, I do like being in my house, with my schedule and my things...  This has become a challenge for me since we have been living out of our suitcases for just about a month now.  We are still moving across country, only making it as far as Wyoming.  Greg is still working on his Aunt's deck and it looks like we will be here for the week...  I am OK with it, her house has been pretty much neglected for years, and well it really needs some work.  And I am so glad that we are able to help her out during this time. 

My problem is that I don't have our school things, I don't have my books, I don't even have some of my Internet passwords!  (I know they should all be saved on the computer, but I have slacked in that area!)  There are so many things that I wanted to start this fall off with, school, reorganizing computer and pictures, get on a somewhat schedule with AWANA, church, swimming lessons, etc. 

I have been having to go out and buy new things, like school workbook, sweatshirts (don't ask me where ours are!) and now that we are getting farther and farther into the fall, I am going to have to start finding some fall clothes!  Ours are packed so deeply in our trailer that I wouldn't really know where to start looking! 

Well, on the bright side... I am looking forward to starting a 1 John study this week with Good Morning Girls.  I am going to be doing this study with a great group of women who are also known as the Iron Women of the Word (our blog hop will be starting up again with this study so look for our posts coming soon!!!)

As for homeschooling, Jacob is just going through a preschool workbook from Walmart.  It is a battle to get him to concentrate while not in the regular setting that we have.  But hopefully this will at least be good practice on his letters, numbers, and other necessary skills!  Then once we get out to WA, we can start our regular daily school with bible verses, character traits, science lessons, and so on! 

Well, I better be running, we are still sorting out past overtime due from Greg's previous employer as well as unemployment from the state of Massachusetts.  (Just a note they are one tough state to get unemployment from!) 

This time has been a time of trusting for us, and well, I guess that is all we can keep on doing! :)