Love Food and Live Well
By Chantel Hobbs
Don’t fall for the lie that to lose weight you have to endure bland,
uninspiring meals—and go hungry most of the time. Starting today you can love
delicious food and lose weight at the same time! The secret is knowing when to
have carrot cake and when it’s time for just a carrot.
Make food your ally by following Chantel Hobbs’s 80/20 rule. A full 20
percent of the time, splurge on the foods you love and incorporate them into
celebrations and social occasions. The remaining 80 percent of the time, choose
food that delivers maximum health and fuel for your body.
Using personal inventories, food plans, and new exercises for strength
training and aerobic fitness, you will enjoy getting fit and trim.
Love Food and Live Well guarantees that you can love what you’re eating
while you lose weight.
Small is Big
By Tony and Felicity Dale and George Barma

The Final Summit
By Andy Andrews

With time running out, it is up to David Ponder and a cast of history’s best and brightest minds to uncover this solution before it is too late. The catch? They are allowed only five tries to discover the answer.
Readers first encountered David Ponder in The Traveler's Gift. Now, in The Final Summit, Andrews combines a riveting narrative with astounding history in order to show us the one thing we must do when we don’t know what to do.
My Review: This is my first book by Andy Andrews. Although I did not read the first one in the series, The Traveler's Gift, I did not feel left out. Andy did an amazing job filling the the readers of what has happened previously, without re-writing the entire book. I was blown away by the amount of history I learned from this book. I loved learning about Eric Erickson, Winston Churchill, King David, and many others. Andy Andrews did his research and it was evident. Although I was slightly disapointed with the 'final answer' (I had my own figured out right away...) it made sense, and of course would change the outcome of humanity. I feel this book was written at the right time, and hopefully our culture can figure out the answer to save us all!
Max On Life
Answers and insights to Your Most Important Questions
By Max Lucado

You Can't Change Your Past, but You Can Change Your Future
By Reggie Dabbs, John Driver
Published by Thomas Nelson
•Story—The Pigskin Poet
•Truth—Tuesdays with Reggie
•Pain—English Teachers
•Hero—Bus Stops and Batman
•Choice—Old School Peas
•Name—The "Born" Identity
•Passion—Frozen Planes and Fake Ears
•Future—Gomer's Odyssey
•Father—Big Daddy
book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Life, In Spite of Me
By Kristen Jane Anderson with Tricia Goyer

By Chantel Hobbs
About the Book (from publisher):
Go ahead. Get passionate about the food you eat!
My Review: I like how Chantel really works on your attitude of food, when to eat the yummy goodies you love and when to wait. That food is something we can enjoy and still be responsible about it. She has a 80/20 plan... where 20% of the time you can splurge and 80% of the time you eat healthy. And even better how to loose weight the way God wants you to. Giving him the glory, relying on Him and giving Him the control for Him to work in us. I am looking forward to going through his book again (I read it while pregnant with #3 and moving across the country, so it wasn't a great time for me to put things in practice) and actually putting into practice all that Chantel has to share with us!
Small is Big
By Tony and Felicity Dale and George Barma

About the book: Church planters Tony and Felicity Dale and acclaimed researcher George Barna bring a big message to God’s church. How might we change the world if our Christian faith began multiplying at a rapid pace—through a way of life that is explosive and transformational? It happened once before, in the early days of the church; what will it take to bring us to that point of urgency and determination again? Small Is Big (originally published as The Rabbit and the Elephant) offers keys to 21st-century evangelism: leveraging the power of the small—and taking the gospel to where the people are and the pain is. And as God uses us to channel Jesus’ love into a hurting, desperate world, we’ll see his church grow beyond anything we could have imagined. (From the tyndale network website)
My Review: This book was hard to get into, but had a great message. I think that is is a great book for starting new churches. Keeping it small and simple is easier to do then big huge ones, thus the comparason with the rabbit and elephant that the book opens up with. The book shares a lot of stories about how it works and no matter what to try new things. It is a good book for those who are being called to church plant.
The Final Summit
By Andy Andrews

About this Book: David Ponder is back. This time the fate of mankind is in his hands.
This is mankind’s last chance. Centuries of greed, pride, and hate have sent humanity hurtling toward disaster, and far from its original purpose. There is only one solution that can reset the compass and right the ship, and it consists of only two words.With time running out, it is up to David Ponder and a cast of history’s best and brightest minds to uncover this solution before it is too late. The catch? They are allowed only five tries to discover the answer.
Readers first encountered David Ponder in The Traveler's Gift. Now, in The Final Summit, Andrews combines a riveting narrative with astounding history in order to show us the one thing we must do when we don’t know what to do.
My Review: This is my first book by Andy Andrews. Although I did not read the first one in the series, The Traveler's Gift, I did not feel left out. Andy did an amazing job filling the the readers of what has happened previously, without re-writing the entire book. I was blown away by the amount of history I learned from this book. I loved learning about Eric Erickson, Winston Churchill, King David, and many others. Andy Andrews did his research and it was evident. Although I was slightly disapointed with the 'final answer' (I had my own figured out right away...) it made sense, and of course would change the outcome of humanity. I feel this book was written at the right time, and hopefully our culture can figure out the answer to save us all!
Max On Life
Answers and insights to Your Most Important Questions
By Max Lucado

About the book: We have questions. Child-like inquiries. And deep, heavy ones.
In more than twenty-five years of writing and ministry, Max Lucado has been the receiving line for thousands of such questions. The questions come in letters, e-mails, even on Dunkin Donuts napkins. In Max on Life he offers thoughtful answers to more than 150 of the most pressing questions on topics ranging from hope to hurt, from home to the hereafter.
Max writes about the role of prayer, the purpose of pain, and the reason for our ultimate hope. He responds to the day-to-day questions—parenting quandaries, financial challenges, difficult relationships—as well as to the profound: Is God really listening?
A special addendum includes Max’s advice on writing and publishing.
Including topical and scriptural indexes and filled with classic Lucado encouragement and insight, Max on Life will quickly become a favorite resource for pastors and ministry leaders as well as new and mature believers.
My Review: This is a great book. Right off the back I was drawn to this book because of Max's confession that he does not know everything, but would try to answer questions the best of his ability based on God's Word. This book is so easy to navigate. You can either read it cover to cover, or look under one of seven sections such as: Hope, Help, Him/Her, Hereafter, Home and more or even check out the extensive index. Max backs up his answers with scriptures. This is a great book for a nonbeliever, new believer, or even someone who has been a believer for a long time. It is a wonderful resources for all who share the Gospel and need to find some answers to questions that arise. There is also a little bonus for all readers in the back about writing and who should, how you should, and much more.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”Reggie
You Can't Change Your Past, but You Can Change Your Future
By Reggie Dabbs, John Driver
Published by Thomas Nelson

About the Book: Inspiring, true story of a man who went from nothing to speaking to more than two million people each year.
Reggie Dabbs's life changed when in the second grade he realized he was adopted, that his birth was the result of a twenty-dollar deal his sixteen year old unwed mother made to feed her three other children. Interwoven with humorous and thought-provoking anecdotes, as well as stories from the Bible and his travels around the world, Reggie's chronological story is his message to students and adults that they are powerless to change their past, but they possess a unique potential to change their future.
Chapters include how to know your:•Story—The Pigskin Poet
•Truth—Tuesdays with Reggie
•Pain—English Teachers
•Hero—Bus Stops and Batman
•Choice—Old School Peas
•Name—The "Born" Identity
•Passion—Frozen Planes and Fake Ears
•Future—Gomer's Odyssey
•Father—Big Daddy
My Review: This wasn't my favorite book, although I did have some favorite parts. I loved how Reggie reaches out to high school students and shares God's love with them. There was some great advice and knowledge shared in this book, but it just wasn't the book for me. I do love how he talks about his favorite book (the Bible) and the stories that are in it! It can really get a nonbeliever to open a Bible and read some of the stories he talks about. I think that Reggie is doing amazing things speaking to the next generation, that really does need our help.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com Life, In Spite of Me
By Kristen Jane Anderson with Tricia Goyer

About the Book: She wanted to die. God had other plans.
Why does my life have to be so painful?
What’s wrong with me?
It’s not going to get better.
It could all be over soon, and then I won’t hurt anymore.
Kristen Anderson thought she had the picture-perfect life until strokes of gray dimmed her outlook: three friends and her grandmother died within two years. Still reeling from these losses, she was raped by a friend she thought she could trust. She soon spiraled into a seemingly bottomless depression.
One January night, the seventeen-year-old decided she no longer wanted to deal with the emotional pain that smothered her. She lay down on a set of cold railroad tracks and waited for a freight train to send her to heaven…and peace.
But Kristen's story doesn’t end there.
In Life, In Spite of Me this remarkably joyful young woman shares the miracle of her survival, the agonizing aftermath of her failed suicide attempt, and the hope that has completely transformed her life, giving her a powerful purpose for living.
Her gripping story of finding joy against all odds provides a vivid and unforgettable reminder that life is a gift to be treasured.
Includes notes of encouragement Kristen wishes she had received when she was struggling most.
About the Authors: Kristen Jane Anderson has been featured on Oprah and is a popular speaker at colleges, women's and youth events, churches, and suicide prevention outreaches. A graduate of Moody Bible Institute and the founder of Reaching You Ministries, Kristen seeks to help those who are hurting, hopeless, lost, suicidal and depressed.
Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-six books including Beside Still Waters, The Swiss Courier, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like MomSense and Thriving Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife. Visit for more about Tricia and her books.
Tricia Goyer is the author of twenty-six books including Beside Still Waters, The Swiss Courier, and the mommy memoir, Blue Like Play Dough. She won Historical Novel of the Year in 2005 and 2006 from ACFW, and was honored with the Writer of the Year award from Mt. Hermon Writer's Conference in 2003. Tricia's book Life Interrupted was a finalist for the Gold Medallion in 2005. In addition to her novels, Tricia writes non-fiction books and magazine articles for publications like MomSense and Thriving Family. Tricia is a regular speaker at conventions and conferences, and has been a workshop presenter at the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) International Conventions. She and her family make their home in Little Rock, Arkansas where they are part of the ministry of FamilyLife. Visit for more about Tricia and her books.
My Review:Wow! At first I was a little hesitant about this book, after all I kind of all ready figured out how it was going to go (or so I thought). I was amazingly surprised with everything about this book.
I loved how it wasn’t written like a book; I thought that Kristen was actually just speaking the entire book. It was like a conversation with her. I loved the descriptive aspects of the book, and how you could feel the train whishing over you, the fresh air after being stuck in a hospital for so long, the fear and pain of sliding off your friend’s back.
I loved how it wasn’t written like a book; I thought that Kristen was actually just speaking the entire book. It was like a conversation with her. I loved the descriptive aspects of the book, and how you could feel the train whishing over you, the fresh air after being stuck in a hospital for so long, the fear and pain of sliding off your friend’s back.
I expected (just me judging a book by its cover I guess) that after the train accident, that Kristen would just realize the error of her ways, come to know God and start living for Him. Oh I was wrong. And now looking back, I can see who going through some of the struggles after the accident without God was almost better then having Him there from the get go… I think it helped Kristen, and readers a like, realize how hard life is without Him. I also loved how Kristen shared her struggles with following God. It wasn't like He fixed her once she did start following Him either. She had to learn to make God a priority in her life, she had to learn how to trust Him completely.
One of my favorite passages in the book was
“’It helps me so much to know that even when I don’t have plans for myself, I can trust that God has plans for me. Even when I don’t have hope, he has hope for me. And even when I don’t see a future for myself, he does. I just have to have faith.
“I know he has plans for you too.”
As I spoke, his face brightened. He seemed to understand what I meant and to appreciate that I’d taken the time to talk with him. My heart smiled.
Maybe I can help people.”
I just loved the phrase “My heart smiled.” It makes me want to go out help someone and let my heart smile from knowing that I helped bring someone closer to God.
“’It helps me so much to know that even when I don’t have plans for myself, I can trust that God has plans for me. Even when I don’t have hope, he has hope for me. And even when I don’t see a future for myself, he does. I just have to have faith.
“I know he has plans for you too.”
As I spoke, his face brightened. He seemed to understand what I meant and to appreciate that I’d taken the time to talk with him. My heart smiled.
Maybe I can help people.”
I just loved the phrase “My heart smiled.” It makes me want to go out help someone and let my heart smile from knowing that I helped bring someone closer to God.
I felt like I could relate a lot to Kristen, having battled depression, forgetfulness after a traumatic event, and having to rebuild your life around God myself, and in the end, although not whole as a person (mine is not physical but mentally/ emotionally), becoming whole in God through Jesus!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review and was not required to write a positive review. The above review is my complete and honest opinion.
The Judgment
By Beverly Lewis

I find Kristen’s life to be inspiring and uplifting. I am looking forward to following her story and learning more about Reaching You Ministries. There are so many battles that teenagers have to fight these days, and knowing that there is just one more person out there standing up against the battles and reaching out to help is such an inspiration.
This book is a must read for teenagers, teachers, youth pastors, parents and those that have contact with youth! We must help the next generation battle satan and help them come out knowing God and the hope that Jesus Christ has for us!
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review and was not required to write a positive review. The above review is my complete and honest opinion.
The Judgment
By Beverly Lewis

About the Book:
Rose Kauffman is engaged to Silas Good, a well-liked Amish fellow, so why does she still pine for Nick Franco, the former foster son of the bishop? Especially now that Nick has left the Amish community under a cloud of suspicion after the death of the bishop's biological son? Will Rose marry Silas, even while struggling with romantic feelings for Nick? Meanwhile, Rose's older sister, Hen, has returned to live at her parents' farm with her young daughter. Hen and her modern husband, Brandon, are separated by mutual agreement, although he is threatening to sue for custody of their daughter if Hen does not return soon. Will the judge rule in Brandon's favor? Is there any way Hen can reestablish her place among the People without sacrificing her marriage? I always come away from reading an Amish fiction book yearning for a simpler, more Christ centered life.
About the author: Beverly Lewis, raised in Pennsylvania Amish country, is a former schoolteacher, an accomplished musician, and an award-winning author of more than eighty books for adults and children, many of which have appeared on bestseller lists, including USA Today and the New York Times. Six of her blockbuster novels have received the Gold Book Award for sales over 500,000, and The Brethren won a 2007 Christy Award for excellence in Christian fiction. Beverly and her husband, David, live in Colorado, where they enjoy hiking, biking, making music, and spending time with their three grandchildren.
Me review:I love the simplistic picture that Beverly Lewis paints for the reader. Having not read the first book in the trilogy, I felt that I was missing a lot. Usually an author will review the big events that happened in the first book, but this was not the case in this book. (I must admit it does annoy me when reading a series to have to “re-read” the previous books, so I guess I can not complain about this too much- I will just have to buckle down and get the first one!)
I loved the intertwining of the Plain life and the English life with Brandon and Hen’s marriage and the struggles that Hen had not only as a wife, but also as an Amish woman and as mother.
Eat Your Peas for Mom
By Cheryl Karpen

Mine Is the Night
I found this book to be very entertaining, refreshing and a nice, light book to read. I look forward to reading the 1st book in this trilogy as well as the 3rd, when it comes out. I am never disappointed when reading a Beverly Lewis novel.
I received this book for free from for this review and was not required to write a positive review. The above review is my complete and honest opinion.
I received this book for free from for this review and was not required to write a positive review. The above review is my complete and honest opinion.
Eat Your Peas for Mom
By Cheryl Karpen

About the Book: If you want a special way to celebrate your mother, look no more! Eat Your Peas® Mom is a 3-minute read with a forever message. Upon opening this little package, her heart will smile through the pages filled with affirmation, appreciation, and gratitude expressed for all the ways she loves and cares for you. Each page is artfully hand-illustrated for a charming and homespun feel. It's a perfect keepsake and reminder for Mom to hold onto forever.
My Review: This sweet little gift book for your Mom said everything that we have grown to learn as an adult, but haven't told our Moms. As kids we do not realize how smart, loving, kind, and amazing our moms are, but as adults, and some parents ourselves, we can look back and see where we took this wonderful woman for granted. It is a quick read, with beauitful illustrations and really nice pages. It is a must for anyone who needs to tell their mom how much they love them! I especially like the titile and book for my mom because peas are the one food she will not eat! :)
Mine Is the Night
By Liz Curtis Higgs
About the Book: Stepping from a battered coach on a rainy April eve, newly widowed Elisabeth Kerr must begin again, without husband or title, property or fortune. She is unafraid of work and gifted with a needle, but how will she stitch together the tattered remnants of her life? And who will mend her heart, torn asunder by betrayal and deception? Elisabeth has not come to Selkirk alone. Her mother-in-law, Marjory Kerr, is a woman undone, having buried her husband, her sons, and any promise of grandchildren. Dependent upon a distant cousin with meager resources, Marjory dreads the future almost as much as she regrets the past. Yet joy still comes knocking, and kindness is found in unexpected places. Then a worthy hero steps forward, rekindling a spark of hope. Will he risk his reputation to defend two women labeled as traitors to the Crown? Or will a wealthy beauty, untainted by scandal, capture his affections? The heartrending journey of the Kerr women comes to a glorious finish in Mine Is the Night.
About the Author:
My Review: What a wonderful piece of litature. I was captivated from the begining into the lives of Marjory and Elisabeth. I loved the dedication and loyalty that Elisabeth had towards her mother-in-law. It is something that you probably don't find very much anymore. I also enjoyed how the characters adapted to their surroundings and had to adapt to different social status'.
My only dislike of this book was the way it was written, not really ever being exposed to the Scotish language, I had a really hard time understanding some of the words and found myself having to pronouce the words aloud to figure out what they were trying to say. The Scottish Dictionary in the back was helpfuly, although i was tempted once or twice to remove the page and use it as a bookmark for easier refrence.
This being my first novel by Liz Curtis Higgs, I was greatly impressed and will look for her novels in the future.
Leaving By Karen Kingsbury
About the book: The Bailey Flanigan series begins with Bailey leaving Bloomington for the adventure of a lifetime. She has won an audition for the ensemble of a Broadway musical in New York City. She's determined to take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but is she really ready to leave family and friends for the loneliness of the city? And what of Cody? His disappearance has her worried about their future and praying that their love can survive. In order to be closer to his mother in jail, Cody takes a coaching job in a small community outside Indianapolis. New friends, distance, and circumstances expose cracks in his relationship with Bailey Flanigan. Love, loneliness, big opportunities, and even bigger decisions highlight the first book in the new Bailey Flanigan series that features members of the popular Baxter family and finally completes the Bailey Flanigan/Cody Coleman story.
About the Author:
My Review: As a long time fan of Karen Kingsbury, I could not wait for this book to come out! I have followed the Baxter family from the beginning and have cried at every single one of Karen's books. Leaving was amazing! I could not put it down from the minute I opened the package! It is so wonderful to see how Karen has developed Bailey Flanigan into a strong, mature young woman. As always it is very inspiring to read about a girl who has such a strong faith in the Lord and is shining for Him in all she does, and knowing that this character is based off a real life person as well gives hope that there are children/young adults out there like this that are fighting the good fight for the Lord. I pray that my daughter (7 months) and I will someday have the same close relationship that Bailey and Jenny have.
Of all the characters from the Baxter family, I am happy that Karen has almost spotlighted Ashley the most. I feel I can relate to her the most and see hope in how her life has turned out after falling away from walking with the Lord. And even though there are struggles along our walk, I find comfort in knowing that no matter what is tossed our way; we can always find comfort in the Father. I love the bits of scripture and the struggles that each character must face and how they learn to lean on God and follow Him in all they do!
From the raw emotion of loosing love to the excitement of a red carpet premier, you are feeling everything! I could almost hear the cameras clicking and the waves crashing while reading Leaving. Karen has an amazing way of capturing every little detail so the reader can see and feel what is happening, not just read it! I can not wait for the next one to come out!
A Conversation with God For Women By Marcia FordOf all the characters from the Baxter family, I am happy that Karen has almost spotlighted Ashley the most. I feel I can relate to her the most and see hope in how her life has turned out after falling away from walking with the Lord. And even though there are struggles along our walk, I find comfort in knowing that no matter what is tossed our way; we can always find comfort in the Father. I love the bits of scripture and the struggles that each character must face and how they learn to lean on God and follow Him in all they do!
From the raw emotion of loosing love to the excitement of a red carpet premier, you are feeling everything! I could almost hear the cameras clicking and the waves crashing while reading Leaving. Karen has an amazing way of capturing every little detail so the reader can see and feel what is happening, not just read it! I can not wait for the next one to come out!

About the book: A front row seat to a fascinating conversation with God, Jesus, and other biblical characters answering important questions women have regarding life and faith.
A Conversation with God for Women allows readers a one-on-one dialogue with God, Jesus, and other important biblical characters as they respond to questions and concerns relevant to the Christian faith. The often challenging questions address issues and tensions specifically felt by women. Each answer, designed for both believers and seekers, is based on Scripture and written with the warmth and intimacy of a Heavenly Father relating to His child.
Categories and sample questions include: *God, why don't You just reveal Yourself? *Jesus, why was a virgin birth necessary? *The Bible, what can it teach women? *Life, what about women in ministry? *Prayer, can it really make a difference? *Relationships, how can we trust after betrayal? *Good and evil, how can they coexist?
About the author:
My review: I received A Conversation with God for Women courtesy of and was to give a review. I thought it was a wonderful book! It addresses many of the questions that I have had with God. Coming from a childhood where I did not have the perfect father figure, I have always had a hard time trusting God and knowing that He loves me. I loved the way Marcia wrote this book as if God were speaking straight to me. To read the words, "daughter, I love you" was wonderful. I know that it is not God's words exactly in this book, but for me personally it worked! When reading this book, one must always remember that it is based on God's word, that it is not God's words exactly! He is not the one speaking. It is good to look at this almost like a work of historical fiction. The verse references in the back were wonderful so I could see the proof of what was being said and line it up with the Bible, the ultimate truth. I enjoyed the passages from other women from the Bible. I can see myself turning back to some of the questions in the future when I feel I am struggling in a specific area and need to get reassurance from God! This is a good start for a new believer or woman who is struggling with God as a father figure.
Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.combook review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”
Time with God for Mothers By Jack CountrymanDisclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com

About this book: A Scripture-led devotional to encourage and bless time between mothers and the Lord. Time with God for Mothers is filled with ninety devotions that encourage mothers to spend time on their relationship with the Lord in prayer, thanksgiving, and praise. Devotions are topical and include: forgiveness, wisdom, comfort, guidance, and strength. A Quick Scripture Reference Guide is included to help mothers in their day-to-day walk with God and motherhood. Subjects consist of "Mother's Prayers", "God's Promises for Mothers", "God's Blessings for Mothers", "Responsibilities for Mothers", and "God's Dynamic Examples of Mothers".
My review:I love this sweet little gift book for mother's. It is perfect for the busy mom who can catch 1-2 minutes at a time and read a verse along with a short little devotional. The pictures, which I came to learn are actually jewelry, are beautiful and the book overall was very relaxing. The Responsibilities of Motherhood is a great quick reference guide, along with the Mother's Prayers in the Bible and The Promises of Motherhood. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and will look to purchase as a gift to my mother friends. Although I do find it a little odd this book was written by a man...
Nightshade by Ronie Kendig

About the book:
Soldiers all across the globe are returning home to their families after brutal tours of duty. They are discharged from the service. . .and on their own. Meet Max Jacobs, one of these discarded heroes, as he faces a wall of failure-in his career, his friendships, and his marriage. Failing again-this time to end his life-he is offered a thread of hope. Are covert government operations the answer for him, or will they only bring more danger and dissension upon his broken family?

About the author: Ronie Kendig
Nightshade is the first book I have read for a review. I am a fan of love stories and the military and this one did not disappoint. Ronie Kendig really captured my heart with the military members and kept the story full of action and romance! I always enjoy a book that has someone comes to Christ and learns to trust God, as it is such a victory for them! I was constantly waiting to see what was going to happen next and really struggled to put the book down. Following many characters at the same time can sometimes cause the reader to be confused, however Kendig did a good job separating the story lines, then merging them together. She had great descriptions of the locations, pain, love, and fear that the characters were going through. I even squirmed when the viper dropped down! I was thankful for the Characters/Glossary and the Glossary of Terms, especially since the Nightshade team went by nicknames. I am looking forward to reading the rest of the books in the series and even following the TV series that is in the works! I will also be adding Ronie Kendig to my list of authors to follow.
1 comment:
Sounds like a great book, may have to take that one to the beach next summer!
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