She actually admitted to having a dirty kitchen, fighting with her husband and having the kids "hate" her!
This was perfect timing for me to read this. I have been convicted of being real and honest... so here goes:
Yes, more times then not my floors are not clean.
Yes, more times then not we miss preschool work.
Yes, the hubby and I fight sometimes.
Yes, there are times when the laundry piles up so high I don't ever think it will all get done and if it does it does not always end up folded.
Yes, I struggle with self-control and self-discipline.
The list could go on and on. It is time that I stop worrying about being perfect, or at least trying to look it (and probably do a really bad job at it).
I need to start being real and honest and be who God made me. Someone who always falls short, but is still loved unconditionally by the Creator of the universe! Someone who still stumbles and makes mistakes, but is chosen by God to be His daughter! Someone who struggles and looses with temptations, but is forgiven and washed clean with the blood of Jesus!
It is time for me to start living to my full potential God has planned for me.
You are my God, and I will praise you;
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
you are my God, and I will exalt you.
Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
his love endures forever.
Psalm 118:28-29