I have been reading this book... Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman and am loving it! It breaks down a household into basically a minute by minute/item by item to do list. Laundry Day, Office Day, Town Day, etc... now I don't want to adapt all of the ideas, because honestly it doesn't work for our house... But there are some great tips to get your house in order so you are running it not it running you!
I am thinking of putting together a little weekly challenge to get some of these tips/ideas/processes a habit for our house. Like wake up and Thank God first thing in the morning! Honestly at this house, morning is not a thankful thing...
So we will see how that goes in the next little while.
The last couple of weeks have been busy yet relaxing? We haven't had anything planned on the weekends! NO WRESTLING!!! And have been able to just hang out as a family and fellowship with friends. Greg and I have got to love on our Church's 4-6 yr old kiddos in Children's Church and then the following week, the 2s and 3s during church! It is amazing to see how many kids we have in our church! And each week the #s are growing!
Missional front... wow, so many of you know we moved to WA to prepare for full time missions. Well, life caught up with us, and while we are still open and slowly doing things, we really haven't put that as the front priority. So yesterday we spent the afternoon talking with our Sunday School teacher (also a former missionary) about it. Reassuring that yes God will make it clear to both of us at the same time! And then when He does, then we need to act!
Well, off to finish some laundry and love on some babies! :) Have a wonderful Monday!!!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Happy Monday
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zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago