Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Changed heart on Monday?

OK, I know this was supposed to go out yesterday, but the sun was shining and the chicken poop was calling... Jacob and I had to muck out the chicken coop and do some other outside chores, and then deal with a sick Chloe and oh yeah that 3 month old we have living in the house...  So here is my Dreadful or Thankful response...


That is all I can say about my Monday! 

I was challenged to the brink!  The house was a mess, kids were beyond cranky, I had to haul all three of them to the auction house to look for pigs and just check it out some more before Saturday's feeder sale.  We had grocery shopping at 3 different stores and I was done!

But... throughout the day I had to think...

How amazing is it that I can go to this auction, let the kids enjoy the animals and learn something new?

How amazing is it that I can go and buy chicken food and more supplies for a new breed of chickens I will be getting soon?  And how amazing is my husband for indulging my chicken obsession?

How amazing that we get to have a special treat of eating out for lunch?

How amazing is it that we have stores that carry everything we need, and they are so close?

How amazing that I can go to the grocery store and buy fresh healthy food for my family?

How amazing has God blessed me with these three beautiful children?  I am SO BLESSED by them! 

I know there were times when I was frustrated, overwhelmed, cranky, but I did catch myself and changed my thoughts around to thanksgiving not grumbling!  And it was good!!!  I felt better almost instantly! 

Share your post about having a dreadful or thankful Monday!!!  Link up below!

Monday, March 5, 2012

March Mondays~ dreadful or thankful?

Are you ever excited for a Monday? 

It usually means back to work, back to school, cleaning the house, laundry, back to the daily grind of life. 

What if we looked at Mondays differently?    Start looking at them as a new opportunity to expand God's Kingdom?  A new day to get out there and live out what we learned on Sunday? 

Usually after church on Sunday I am feeling great, wanting to live out life and be more like Jesus and "go forth and make disciples". 

But then Monday comes, and it is up early, making lunches {forgot to make my mom's this am for her!} getting the hubby off to work, staying up to get some studying done for Perspectives before the kids wake up~ this morning that didn't happen Chloe was up at 6:30 and then we snuggled and went back to bed...  Then I look at the house, the dishes, the laundry, the floors!!! YIKES!  And it all seems to daunting!  But what if we started to look at our Mondays differently?

*Being thankful to do the laundry because we have clothes to wear and clothe our families.

*Being thankful to do dishes, because that means we have food to eat.

*Being thankful to clean a house, because that means that we have a house!

*Being thankful to go to work, because it means we have a job!

*Being thankful to go to school, because it means we have the opportunity to get an education!

*Being thankful that we have to go grocery shopping with 3 screaming kids, because we have $ to buy food (fresh food!) and we have 3 beautiful babies!

This month lets look at our Mondays,
Not as a dreadful day but instead as a thankful day! 
Being thankful in all we do! 
And then see how the rest of the week will play out!
Join me on this months challenge!  There will be a link up on Tuesday to share how your Monday went!  So come back and join me to change Monday from dreadful to THANKFUL!