During my blog hopping from GMG, I came across Three Years Down. She had a wonderful idea for a Quiet Time Binder! And well I snagged it!
I have 5 tabs...
1 John Study through Good Morning Girls
Here we are doing a study of 1 John in 12 weeks. By the end of this study we will have wrote out the entire book of 1 John. We are using the SOAP method, and if you are interested in joining us, check out GMG's website.
1,000 Gifts Gratitude Journal ~ this is where, when I get back into the book, I will start my own 1,000 gifts journal. I love this book, but have taken a break from reading it until we settle in a little more and get our stuff unpacked.
Kid's Space, where I am doing a prayer journal for my kids from Mom and Loving It! Ministries
A Proverbs 31 section where I read a Proverb that corresponds to the date of the month. I just take notes on the verses that stick out to me.
So a little look into my prayer life... I have found that writing is a little easier for me. I love the structure of it, how I start at the beginning and just go tab by tab! If a day is crammed, I know that I can just do my 1 John study, and maybe pray for my spouse or just read a Proverb.