Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Fall Quiet Time Binder

 During my blog hopping from GMG, I came across Three Years Down.  She had a wonderful idea for a Quiet Time Binder!  And well I snagged it! 

I have 5 tabs...

1 John Study through Good Morning Girls

Here we are doing a study of 1 John in 12 weeks.  By the end of this study we will have wrote out the entire book of 1 John.  We are using the SOAP method, and if you are interested in joining us, check out GMG's website.

1,000 Gifts Gratitude Journal ~ this is where, when I get back into the book, I will start my own 1,000 gifts journal.  I love this book, but have taken a break from reading it until we settle in a little more and get our stuff unpacked.

Love Bug Space (my nickname for my hubby) where I have a 31 Days to Build A Better Spouse (a daily prayer journal for your spouse) from 31 Days to Pray

Kid's Space, where I am doing a prayer journal for my kids from Mom and Loving It! Ministries

A Proverbs 31 section where I read a Proverb that corresponds to the date of the month.  I just take notes on the verses that stick out to me. 

So a little look into my prayer life... I have found that writing is a little easier for me.  I love the structure of it, how I start at the beginning and just go tab by tab!  If a day is crammed, I know that I can just do my 1 John study, and maybe pray for my spouse or just read a Proverb. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Good Morning Girls Week 3

So we are on week 3 of GMG 1 John study.  I must admit I got a little behind last week while we were traveling, but got all caught up this week!  So far we have done 1 John 2:1-8. 

I love the reminder in verse 1 and 2 where John says he wishes we would not sin, but if we do sin Jesus is the sacrifice for those sins and He speaks to the Father in our defense!  (Talk about the ultimate defense!)

Then we are hit with a harsh reality... We can not say we know Jesus yet not follow His commands!  Yikes!  Are we really walking like Jesus did? 

There is a lot to think about this week and I am very glad for our Friday Reflection this week!

As for life here in the Gandy world...  We are still getting settled, however probably after this weekend, we will be able to unpack some more stuff... See, my mom is moving into this little 2 room cottage next to the house, but it needs to be carpeted, put the gas heater in, seal the walls, put a finished ceiling in one of the rooms, and put a new door on it!  It really isn't that bad considering it is pretty small, however Greg has been working on a Habitat for Humanity job site this week, he put in an application with them for a Project Manager, so I think he is trying to show them that he is the right guy for the job!  So he is gone most of the day and pretty tired at night!  And until the cottage is done, there is still a lot of mom's stuff in the house, so we can't unpack our stuff!  Oh well, all in God's time right?