ok so i have 1 hr. 15 minutes left for this days post... honestly forgot about it until i was in bed... so this is coming from my cell. sorry for the lack of formating. as days get shorter remember to cherish your family time. it is so common to be running in 5 different directions and not having family nights. tonight i was so excited to have us all home with nothing to do then my mom came home and reminded me i had promised to go shopping with her... not a bad thing. we actually had a great time and even took chloe. 9pictures to come tomorrow0. but we didnt have time for our little family. just schedule it in like any other commitment you may have because the days fly... they really do.
***this was done, it just wouldn't post from the cell*** :)
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
CMBA #4... feeling the burn... Women Redeemed 2.0
Today is day 4... a tough one... I just couldn't think about what to blog about. I know I really need to start a list when the ideas pop in my head... Because now I have writer's block...
Oh well, I guess instead I will inform you of a great event coming up! :)
< strong>One fortunate winner will receive:
< br />
< ul>
< li>iPad with Wi-Fi
< li>Cradle My Heart by Kim Ketola, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow by Teske Drake and When a Woman You Loved Was Abused by Dawn Scott Jones
< /ul>
< strong>Hurry, the giveaway ends on 10/10/12. Just click one of the icons below. The winner will be announced that evening at the Women Redeemed Webcast! In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on October 10th at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused). The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening, open and loving environment.

< h3 style="text-align: center;">
Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 10th!
Oh well, I guess instead I will inform you of a great event coming up! :)
Join authors Kim Ketola, Teske Drake and Dawn Scott Jones for an evening of encouraging chat about healing and hope for women on the evening of October 10th. The authors will join together for a Live Webcast Event to share their stories.
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< h3 style=”text-align: center;”>
BUT … wait there’s more! Between 10/1 and 10/10 enter to win a brand-new iPad from Women Redeemed!
< a href="http://promoshq.wildfireapp.com/website/6/contests/295397" target="_blank">
< strong>One fortunate winner will receive:
< br />
< ul>
< li>iPad with Wi-Fi
< li>Cradle My Heart by Kim Ketola, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow by Teske Drake and When a Woman You Loved Was Abused by Dawn Scott Jones
< /ul>
< strong>Hurry, the giveaway ends on 10/10/12. Just click one of the icons below. The winner will be announced that evening at the Women Redeemed Webcast! In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on October 10th at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused). The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening, open and loving environment.
< center>
< a href="http://promoshq.wildfireapp.com/twitter/233/contests/295397" target="_blank">

< h3 style="text-align: center;">
Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 10th!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
CMBA post #3... Wordy Wednesday...
~Wordy Wednesday~
Focusing on God's Word Around Our Homes.
I always thought it was odd that people had a lot of scripture art, plaques, etc around their house... I mean wouldn't that $ be used for something better like feeding someone or paying a bill?
As I grew, married, had kids and made a home of my own, we had a few things here and there with scripture but not much.
Then I was hit with this verse:
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:9
Huh. OK now I get it! We are to surround our selves with God's Word! Let our house shine with His Words. So slowly I have been adding more and more scripture to our house. We still don't spend a lot of $ on them, mostly clearance items for the next year or altered items! :)
I got these these cute little wooden conversation bubbles {pickyourplum} that I painted with blackboard paint {My oh so favorite thing right now!} and we can change out the verses on them.
The kids got a chalkboard easel from grandma and well it just needed new paint {and of course new blackboard paint!} and it just looked too plain. So I put some scripture on the top of it.
Slowly but surely we are covering our house with God's Word!
Coffee cups with scripture.Art work done by the kids.
{This is finished with "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly"}
But don't let it stop there...
Little notes in hubby's lunchbox to bring encouragement while he is at work.
Kid's learning verses.
Christian music playing softly in the background
{You will be amazed at the way your attitude changes when God's Word is being sung around you! Quick side story... Hubby works with all non-Christians in a construction shop. One day they were fighting over the radio, so he took charge, changed it to Praise 106.5. He said the guys had never been nicer to one another, swearing was down, they were curtious to one another. He said it was a great day! And that is with those that don't even know the power of God!}
Verses delivered automatically to my cell phone.
I believe the more we surround our selves, immerse ourselves, with God's Words, the more they are going to take root into our hearts. And anytime God's Words take root into our hearts, our lives, relationships benefit.
Project Ideas:
***Find a great picture of you and hubby... Get a frame with a mat (can be dollar store or one you have laying around) Write or paint a scripture that you had at your wedding, or one of my favorites: "I found the one my heart loves" from Song of Solomon. {And while you are in the Song of Solomon read it with your love!}
***Leave encouraging scripture in your spouses car/truck for him to find throughout the day.
***Write scripture with an erase able marker (vis-a-vi/dry erase) on your mirrors/windows.
***Paint scripture on your walls.
Please share your ideas with us!
One random commenter will be given
2 blackboard conversation bubbles!!!
This is post #3 in Christian Marriage Bloggers Association 1/2 Marathon Challenge!
http://www.upliftingmarriage.com/12-marathon-blog-challenge/ "target= "_blank">
" alt="" width="125" height="125" />
Although I realized that this 1/2 marathon challenge is for marital posts, my posts are not strictly based on marriage but Christian Life. And well I thought it would be a good challenge to write once a day for 13 days! :) Hope that works!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Day #2... some verses and farm life
Well, this marathon stuff isn't too bad... no soreness, not even a bit winded!
Today's post is just going to be a couple verses that we have on HOPE.
Our church's theme this year is BE HOPE. Is it just a coincidence that the Good Morning Girl's study this season is Colossians {theme: HOPE}? I don't think so...
Today's post is just going to be a couple verses that we have on HOPE.
Our church's theme this year is BE HOPE. Is it just a coincidence that the Good Morning Girl's study this season is Colossians {theme: HOPE}? I don't think so...
Therefore, as the chosen of GOD, holy and dearly loved, put on affection, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, putting up with one another and forgiving one another. ~Colossians 3:12-13a
May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE. ~Romans 15:13
Our lives here on the farm is getting busy... but it seems like we are always busy. We are in the process of harvesting all our goodies that have grown this year. Plums, pears, apples, tomatoes, peppers... Unfortunately our beans and corn didn't do very good this year.
My goal for our little farm is that we will produce the majority of the food we eat in a year. A quart of each produce product for each week... That's 52 pears, 52 applesauce, 52 beans, 52 corn, and the list goes on. But this year that isn't going to happen. Oh well, we can't go full force in just one year...
I am learning to build and be patient. Learning that it takes time to have a successful farm and that it doesn't come overnight. That we need to take steps to being self-sufficient/sustaining. We can't just get all the animals all at once, and go from there. We need to start with a few and build on to that.
I must say I a looking forward to this winter when I can enjoy some more of the indoor hobbies I enjoy, scrapbooking, sewing, baking. But for now, I am going to be thankful for this extended growing season God has given us!
Until tomorrow... May God bless your day and may His light shine through you so that you may BE HOPE!
Monday, October 1, 2012
1/2 Marathon... day 1 :)
So I am am going to try to do a half marathon... but not running! On my blog. Christian Marriage Bloggers Association is putting out a challenge to post everyday for 13 consecutive days. And well I am going to give it my best!
I have a huge fear of talking in front of others. Even if it is just one on one I am scared. I will replay the conversation, analyze it, critic what I said, what you meant, and so on. It is so bad it happens even with my own husband sometimes This is a place where God is working in my life.
A few months back I offered to help with a baby shower. For some crazy reason I even offered to pray aloud with a group for a little girl! {Me! PRAY! ALOUD!!! with others there! This was not me!} And you know what it was fine.
Then we became members at our church... We were asked to give a testimony on Be Hope. Just the thought of it had me itching, hot, tears welling up... Our pastor was shocked I think! So, Greg talked and I stood next to him with tears in my eyes, hands firmly on my son, and face as hot as could be.
I really felt God was telling me I needed to let go and let Him change me.
So... yesterday was our turn to teach children's church. {Even this makes me nervous and scared!} As I was reading the story (Luke 2) I noticed how calm I felt. I even changed my tone when reading to emphasize parts! :) Then the unheard of happened... the kids were getting wild and it was time for songs... {I was not given a singing voice!} And I sang in front of these kids! I felt great! Maybe didn't sound great, but there was no nerves, no tears, no hot face!
Leaving church I felt great! Bragged myself up to my husband... it was a big deal to me!
Then this morning... reading my Mornings With Jesus devotional...
"Let the one who boasts, boast of the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31
"But I'm singing my own praises, am I not? Priding myself on a job well done? That's a slippery slope, I know. Pretty soon I'll forget that the Lord had a hand in this and begin to think it's all about me."
later in the devotional Judy Baer continues: "But it's not true, is it? None of this happened because of me. Without Christ, there's nothing good that I can do. It's all ashes. Only with Him can I really succeed. There is no one to brag about but Jesus. I must never mess with the Father's glory r intrude or lay claim to the holy works of God."
I know that me reading and singing to these kids was all God. He gave me a peace and the words and everything to be able to teach these kids His story. To bring Him glory! But on that drive home I didn't give glory to God. I sang my own praises. And today, He reminded me that it wasn't possible without Him.
How great is God that He grows me and then when I fail to recognize what He has done, He gives me that little reminder to focus on Him and give Him praises!
Our memory verse from yesterday was
I need to remember to shout for joy to the Lord, not sing my own praises! Sing His praises and give all the glory to Him!
I have a huge fear of talking in front of others. Even if it is just one on one I am scared. I will replay the conversation, analyze it, critic what I said, what you meant, and so on. It is so bad it happens even with my own husband sometimes This is a place where God is working in my life.
A few months back I offered to help with a baby shower. For some crazy reason I even offered to pray aloud with a group for a little girl! {Me! PRAY! ALOUD!!! with others there! This was not me!} And you know what it was fine.
Then we became members at our church... We were asked to give a testimony on Be Hope. Just the thought of it had me itching, hot, tears welling up... Our pastor was shocked I think! So, Greg talked and I stood next to him with tears in my eyes, hands firmly on my son, and face as hot as could be.
I really felt God was telling me I needed to let go and let Him change me.
So... yesterday was our turn to teach children's church. {Even this makes me nervous and scared!} As I was reading the story (Luke 2) I noticed how calm I felt. I even changed my tone when reading to emphasize parts! :) Then the unheard of happened... the kids were getting wild and it was time for songs... {I was not given a singing voice!} And I sang in front of these kids! I felt great! Maybe didn't sound great, but there was no nerves, no tears, no hot face!
Leaving church I felt great! Bragged myself up to my husband... it was a big deal to me!
Then this morning... reading my Mornings With Jesus devotional...
"Let the one who boasts, boast of the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31
"But I'm singing my own praises, am I not? Priding myself on a job well done? That's a slippery slope, I know. Pretty soon I'll forget that the Lord had a hand in this and begin to think it's all about me."
later in the devotional Judy Baer continues: "But it's not true, is it? None of this happened because of me. Without Christ, there's nothing good that I can do. It's all ashes. Only with Him can I really succeed. There is no one to brag about but Jesus. I must never mess with the Father's glory r intrude or lay claim to the holy works of God."
I know that me reading and singing to these kids was all God. He gave me a peace and the words and everything to be able to teach these kids His story. To bring Him glory! But on that drive home I didn't give glory to God. I sang my own praises. And today, He reminded me that it wasn't possible without Him.
How great is God that He grows me and then when I fail to recognize what He has done, He gives me that little reminder to focus on Him and give Him praises!
Our memory verse from yesterday was
I need to remember to shout for joy to the Lord, not sing my own praises! Sing His praises and give all the glory to Him!
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