I have been up to my ears in canning supplies this last couple weeks.
We got some free transparent apples for apple butter and sauce, some free miniature plums for spicy plum sauce, plum jelly, and whole plums; the green beans are growing like crazy and we have already put back 20 quarts of them in 2 pickings; cucumbers are being turned into sweet/ sweet and spicy relish as well as pickles; squash is getting chopped and shredded and frozen; jams are being made... and we are no where near close to finishing!
I read a blog yesterday, Northwest Edible Life, where she does most of her canning in a weekend. Oh what a wonderful weekend that would be. As my husband called last night on his way home, he asked what I was doing... and for the first time in 2 weeks I WAS NOT CANNING!!! Not that I shouldn't be, but I just needed a break! So I hit it again this morning. More free plums, some hamburger pickles and get ready for more applesauce and plums and of course all the stuff from the garden that will be collected tonight.
Don't get me wrong. I love to can! I love seeing the shelves fill up with food that we have grown, food that will fill our family's tummies this winter, food that I know where it came from. But being about 8 months pregnant (or so... still in ? about the due date) it is hard work! This big belly is getting in the way with everything!
Our house has taken a huge hit. Probably the biggest ever! There is laundry in baskets needing to be put away, laundry needing to be done... floors needing to be swept and please if you do come over, don't look a the kitchen, especially the stove! But through it all, every once in a while we get to do some deep cleaning/preparation for the baby. 2 out of the numerous windows in the house have been taken apart and completely cleaned! Only to have the babies touch them this morning and get handprints on them again. But hey they are so much cleaner!
So today... we get back to the grind of canning, and cleaning.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Good Morning Monday!
Mondays are tough... then when you get up at 5:15 on Monday morning it is even tougher... UGH!
Oh well... I needed to get up because the 2 little girls I watch most days of the week were going to be here early. So I got up, got the quiche in the oven (it was premade, just needed to cook), only spilt a little and smoked up the house all before 5:30.
This weekend we had finally got caught up in the garden where we could work on something else! I suggested we work on Greg's barn and get his workshop up and running, but to my surprise he wanted to deep clean the house.
So Saturday am, we woke up and started on the porch and mud/laundry room... And Sunday morning we finally moved on to the kitchen! YIKES! I am not a deep cleaner I guess... The ceiling needed cleaned, the walls, EVERYTHING! We got the pantry moved so I can finally get into it (just turned it 45 degrees oh what a difference!)
So this week and next we are hoping to get through the entire house. Jacob needs to move to his new room and everyone needs to switch beds, all before school starts (about a month way!) and the new baby comes.
As for life on the farm... Our 2 chicks that the Muscovy mama hatched are doing well in the brooder box and our mama from earlier this year is sitting on 9 more eggs! She is doing so much better than the first round, no broken eggs so far and all seem to be doing well. It is amazing how they develop into better mamas.
The piggies got a new pasture, although they are having a hard time crossing the old fence line. But enjoy the bigger room and less thistles. They are loving the windfall apples we picked up last week, as are the cows.
Oh well... I needed to get up because the 2 little girls I watch most days of the week were going to be here early. So I got up, got the quiche in the oven (it was premade, just needed to cook), only spilt a little and smoked up the house all before 5:30.
This weekend we had finally got caught up in the garden where we could work on something else! I suggested we work on Greg's barn and get his workshop up and running, but to my surprise he wanted to deep clean the house.
So Saturday am, we woke up and started on the porch and mud/laundry room... And Sunday morning we finally moved on to the kitchen! YIKES! I am not a deep cleaner I guess... The ceiling needed cleaned, the walls, EVERYTHING! We got the pantry moved so I can finally get into it (just turned it 45 degrees oh what a difference!)
So this week and next we are hoping to get through the entire house. Jacob needs to move to his new room and everyone needs to switch beds, all before school starts (about a month way!) and the new baby comes.
As for life on the farm... Our 2 chicks that the Muscovy mama hatched are doing well in the brooder box and our mama from earlier this year is sitting on 9 more eggs! She is doing so much better than the first round, no broken eggs so far and all seem to be doing well. It is amazing how they develop into better mamas.
The piggies got a new pasture, although they are having a hard time crossing the old fence line. But enjoy the bigger room and less thistles. They are loving the windfall apples we picked up last week, as are the cows.
I have discovered trading/bartering! AND LOVE IT! Last week we got some apples for some produce, eggs and pickled beets! We picked for a neighbor who donated sausage in the mix, and we all came home with a bunch of transparent apples which will be canned up into apple butter and applesauce today!
We have traded our cherries for raw Jersey milk, and look forward to trading much more in the future! It is such a great way to work with our fellow farmers and exchange goodies without exchanging $, which has to go to other places most the time...
I wonder if the mortgage company will take farm fresh eggs for payment?
Then there is this whole test tube meat? WHAT IN THE WORLD?!?!? How can this be better than home grown beef? "Frankenburger" Come on! We aren't huge in the following of GMO/Organic/ processed food, but have become more aware of it all since we started growing and raising our own food. This just seems wrong on all levels.
Oh what to do... I guess we just keep on raising and growing our food and learning more about all the different things out there.
Thursday, August 1, 2013
New Recipe from the Farm
Last night I tried a new recipe, but altered it a bunch! So I thought I would share with you what came out.
We have a lot of squash right now, and a lot of frozen old hens... If you haven't had old hen, it can be dry, tough and just not pleasant to eat.
So step 1 was to juice up and tenderize the hen. I slow cooked the chicken with some Kickin' Chicken (one of our favorite spices) some garlic powder, pepper and filled the crock pot about 1/3 with water.
Since I let the squash get a tad bit big, I de-seeded it, and then diced up (1/2" cubes) a crocked neck. Diced up an onion (this didn't come from our garden as ours aren't quite big enough yet).
Added 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup along with a little of the chicken broth.
We still have some left over canned carrots from last years garden, so in a quart of carrots.
After cooking all day on low, I let the chicken cool a little, then picked it off the bone and shredded it a tad bit more. It was still dry so I added some broth and let it soak up the juices! (A must if using old hen!) Everything got thrown into a casserole dish along with some more pepper, garlic powder, and about 2tsp (or more...) oregano. I didn't add any salt, it ended up there was enough in the Cream of Mushroom soup.
Stirred it all together and threw it in the oven at 350 for 45 mins. The original recipe called for croutons, but not having any on hand, I topped it with French Fried Onions and let them warm for a tad.
It ended up being very yummy!!! Even my husband who doesn't like squash and could go with out chicken, especially old hen, liked it!
1 old hen (cooked in crockpot with Kickin' Chicken, garlic, pepper and water) cooled and shredded
1 squash (de-seeded if needed and cubed)
1 onion (diced)
quart of carrots
2 cream of mushroom soup
2+ tsp. oregano
garlic powder
French fried onions
The hubby did add Cholula to the mix, but he adds that to everything, so if you want a little spice in it, shake it on! He also served his over some left over seasoned Orzo we had from the night before.
Well, hope you enjoy and hopefully I will remember to take some pictures next time!
Have a happy Thursday!
We have a lot of squash right now, and a lot of frozen old hens... If you haven't had old hen, it can be dry, tough and just not pleasant to eat.
So step 1 was to juice up and tenderize the hen. I slow cooked the chicken with some Kickin' Chicken (one of our favorite spices) some garlic powder, pepper and filled the crock pot about 1/3 with water.
Since I let the squash get a tad bit big, I de-seeded it, and then diced up (1/2" cubes) a crocked neck. Diced up an onion (this didn't come from our garden as ours aren't quite big enough yet).
Added 2 cans of Cream of Mushroom soup along with a little of the chicken broth.
We still have some left over canned carrots from last years garden, so in a quart of carrots.
After cooking all day on low, I let the chicken cool a little, then picked it off the bone and shredded it a tad bit more. It was still dry so I added some broth and let it soak up the juices! (A must if using old hen!) Everything got thrown into a casserole dish along with some more pepper, garlic powder, and about 2tsp (or more...) oregano. I didn't add any salt, it ended up there was enough in the Cream of Mushroom soup.
Stirred it all together and threw it in the oven at 350 for 45 mins. The original recipe called for croutons, but not having any on hand, I topped it with French Fried Onions and let them warm for a tad.
It ended up being very yummy!!! Even my husband who doesn't like squash and could go with out chicken, especially old hen, liked it!
1 old hen (cooked in crockpot with Kickin' Chicken, garlic, pepper and water) cooled and shredded
1 squash (de-seeded if needed and cubed)
1 onion (diced)
quart of carrots
2 cream of mushroom soup
2+ tsp. oregano
garlic powder
French fried onions
The hubby did add Cholula to the mix, but he adds that to everything, so if you want a little spice in it, shake it on! He also served his over some left over seasoned Orzo we had from the night before.
Well, hope you enjoy and hopefully I will remember to take some pictures next time!
Have a happy Thursday!
"Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything."
Genesis 9:3 ESV
Monday, July 29, 2013
Coffee and Jesus
This was posted on https://www.facebook.com/womenlivingwell this am!
So true, especially for this Monday morning!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
Male? Female? I am confused...
The farm has been growing lately.
Newest additions include a beautiful male crested duck, a goose (still don't know if it is male or female), 2 Americana roosters, a new bee hive for Jacob, 2 chicks our Muscovy duck just hatched (she was broody so we took a risk and gave her some chicken eggs... dogs got 6 of them, 2 hatched and 1... well we are still waiting!) and a black and red silkie hen.
Or at least we thought she was a hen. We were told she was a hen, she acted like a hen... until this morning when she crowed like rooster! We love silkies, but we already have 2 silkie roosters and only 1 silkie hen (Snowball, Chloe's pride and joy). So we are just waiting to see if this is just a confused hen, or a small rooster!
Now this isn't the first chicken that we currently have that has some confusing sexual orientation. We have this little banty hen who has laid eggs and just all of a sudden started crowing like a rooster.
I don't know if it is something in the water or what, but this is just throwing me off!
And then to add to that confusion, our black barn cat, Bomb who we were told was a fixed male (yes I never checked, but should have!) is a female... and not only is she a female but she is a pregnant female! So, soon we will have some barn kittens for you all! And then it is off to WeSnip or someone to get these cats under control.
Jacob's guineas are growing like crazy and getting louder by the day. Pretty soon he is going to have to start finding some homes for some of them.
The goose, named Goose for now, is really something fun to watch! It is friendly with the kids, and really runs the roost with the ducks. Hopefully it will be a female and we can have eggs and babies next spring. (Yeah, I am going to have to talk bee-keeper Greg into another goose!)
Our pigs are growing beautifully. Bullet, the male, is shorter and stockier; while Petunia, our female, is longer and leaner... Should be a beautiful sow!
We are knee high in squash, peas and I guess now beans! The garden for the first time ever is feeling under control. And now the busy time starts preserving all this beautiful produce.
One thing I prayed for when we started up our little homesteading farm, was that it would be used as a ministry. I was thinking we would have plenty of eggs, meat, produce, and such to share with those in need. Well of course my plans are not always what God has in store for us. I am seeing more and more, the ministry is with the fellow farmers that we are coming in contact with. Whether it is helping them out, receiving help or just chatting and exchanging knowledge (or what we think is knowledge) it is the contact with our fellow farmers. And it has been great! We just live out our lives, give God all the credit and share Him through our actions and words. We have been blessed by our fellow farmers, and in turn can bless others. It has just been another reminder of God's will being done, not mine.
Newest additions include a beautiful male crested duck, a goose (still don't know if it is male or female), 2 Americana roosters, a new bee hive for Jacob, 2 chicks our Muscovy duck just hatched (she was broody so we took a risk and gave her some chicken eggs... dogs got 6 of them, 2 hatched and 1... well we are still waiting!) and a black and red silkie hen.
Or at least we thought she was a hen. We were told she was a hen, she acted like a hen... until this morning when she crowed like rooster! We love silkies, but we already have 2 silkie roosters and only 1 silkie hen (Snowball, Chloe's pride and joy). So we are just waiting to see if this is just a confused hen, or a small rooster!
Now this isn't the first chicken that we currently have that has some confusing sexual orientation. We have this little banty hen who has laid eggs and just all of a sudden started crowing like a rooster.
I don't know if it is something in the water or what, but this is just throwing me off!
And then to add to that confusion, our black barn cat, Bomb who we were told was a fixed male (yes I never checked, but should have!) is a female... and not only is she a female but she is a pregnant female! So, soon we will have some barn kittens for you all! And then it is off to WeSnip or someone to get these cats under control.
Jacob's guineas are growing like crazy and getting louder by the day. Pretty soon he is going to have to start finding some homes for some of them.
The goose, named Goose for now, is really something fun to watch! It is friendly with the kids, and really runs the roost with the ducks. Hopefully it will be a female and we can have eggs and babies next spring. (Yeah, I am going to have to talk bee-keeper Greg into another goose!)
Our pigs are growing beautifully. Bullet, the male, is shorter and stockier; while Petunia, our female, is longer and leaner... Should be a beautiful sow!
We are knee high in squash, peas and I guess now beans! The garden for the first time ever is feeling under control. And now the busy time starts preserving all this beautiful produce.
One thing I prayed for when we started up our little homesteading farm, was that it would be used as a ministry. I was thinking we would have plenty of eggs, meat, produce, and such to share with those in need. Well of course my plans are not always what God has in store for us. I am seeing more and more, the ministry is with the fellow farmers that we are coming in contact with. Whether it is helping them out, receiving help or just chatting and exchanging knowledge (or what we think is knowledge) it is the contact with our fellow farmers. And it has been great! We just live out our lives, give God all the credit and share Him through our actions and words. We have been blessed by our fellow farmers, and in turn can bless others. It has just been another reminder of God's will being done, not mine.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
Guest post from Greg... our bee story...
My name is Greg and I was really forced into beekeeping today. It's
of a funny story. I met a Russian/Ukrainian man in which I hoped to gain some
valuable bee-insight from. He has been keeping his whole life and this morning
me and my family (pregnant wife, 5yr. old son, 3yr. old daughter and 1yr. old
son) left Ferndale at 5am excited to learn more than what I have read in the two
books I picked up from the local library. Our travels took us to Marysville
where we met up with the gentleman and after a brief introduction he jumped into
our rig and started directing me up the winding roads to a small ranch in
Granite Falls. So excited by his take charge attitude I promptly donned the
veil he threw at me and scurried behind as he ordered me about. Meanwhile my
wife was in the truck laughing and pointing things out to our children.
Apparently she was aware of my demise and the growing language conflict that I
was heading in to well before I did. I ran from this hive to that hive as he
loaded me up with hive covers, top screens, ratchet straps and new frames. I
was so focused into de-coding the broken English and gleaning as much
information as I could I did not realize that I was being full outfitted with
some of his best stock. We went from hive to hive as he showed me his carnelian
pride, talking about what I should look for before expanding, viewing his
personally raised queens, identifying weaknesses in colonies. He than walked me
over to a new hive and said ever since I heard about you I have been preparing
these bees. Now the stark reality of the situation was finally hitting me. He
showed me a very established colony and one young one started from a new queen
last year. Out can the ratchet straps , the covers, and the double screen tops
and in less than 20 seconds he ordered me to move the first hive to the bed of
my truck. On my way to the truck I noticed my wife (now belly laughing) at my
situation. Obviously she was going to be no help here. I carefully rehearsed
my attempt to get out of buying two hives today. I slowly walked up and said
"Sir, I was only planning on meeting with you today to learn about bees, I am
not prepared to buy..." In which he responded " Hurry and load this one , I
have to get to work." I walked back to the truck knowing I was defeated. I
paid the man for his hives and we returned to Ferndale with another 20,000 more
mouths to feed on our rapidly growing hobby farm.
The problem is that I really know nothing about bees and I am worried sick
that I will destroy all of the hard labor and love this Russian man I met has
put into these two hives. What I really needs is a mentor who live near
Ferndale who wouldn't mind helping me get started the total wrong way. My plan
was to be entirely set up to start bees next spring, not have to full hives
thrown in my lap and scrambling the get everything needed to manage them in a
hurried frenzy. Please help!
of a funny story. I met a Russian/Ukrainian man in which I hoped to gain some
valuable bee-insight from. He has been keeping his whole life and this morning
me and my family (pregnant wife, 5yr. old son, 3yr. old daughter and 1yr. old
son) left Ferndale at 5am excited to learn more than what I have read in the two
books I picked up from the local library. Our travels took us to Marysville
where we met up with the gentleman and after a brief introduction he jumped into
our rig and started directing me up the winding roads to a small ranch in
Granite Falls. So excited by his take charge attitude I promptly donned the
veil he threw at me and scurried behind as he ordered me about. Meanwhile my
wife was in the truck laughing and pointing things out to our children.
Apparently she was aware of my demise and the growing language conflict that I
was heading in to well before I did. I ran from this hive to that hive as he
loaded me up with hive covers, top screens, ratchet straps and new frames. I
was so focused into de-coding the broken English and gleaning as much
information as I could I did not realize that I was being full outfitted with
some of his best stock. We went from hive to hive as he showed me his carnelian
pride, talking about what I should look for before expanding, viewing his
personally raised queens, identifying weaknesses in colonies. He than walked me
over to a new hive and said ever since I heard about you I have been preparing
these bees. Now the stark reality of the situation was finally hitting me. He
showed me a very established colony and one young one started from a new queen
last year. Out can the ratchet straps , the covers, and the double screen tops
and in less than 20 seconds he ordered me to move the first hive to the bed of
my truck. On my way to the truck I noticed my wife (now belly laughing) at my
situation. Obviously she was going to be no help here. I carefully rehearsed
my attempt to get out of buying two hives today. I slowly walked up and said
"Sir, I was only planning on meeting with you today to learn about bees, I am
not prepared to buy..." In which he responded " Hurry and load this one , I
have to get to work." I walked back to the truck knowing I was defeated. I
paid the man for his hives and we returned to Ferndale with another 20,000 more
mouths to feed on our rapidly growing hobby farm.
The problem is that I really know nothing about bees and I am worried sick
that I will destroy all of the hard labor and love this Russian man I met has
put into these two hives. What I really needs is a mentor who live near
Ferndale who wouldn't mind helping me get started the total wrong way. My plan
was to be entirely set up to start bees next spring, not have to full hives
thrown in my lap and scrambling the get everything needed to manage them in a
hurried frenzy. Please help!
Monday, February 11, 2013
Happy Monday
I have been reading this book... Large Family Logistics by Kim Brenneman and am loving it! It breaks down a household into basically a minute by minute/item by item to do list. Laundry Day, Office Day, Town Day, etc... now I don't want to adapt all of the ideas, because honestly it doesn't work for our house... But there are some great tips to get your house in order so you are running it not it running you!
I am thinking of putting together a little weekly challenge to get some of these tips/ideas/processes a habit for our house. Like wake up and Thank God first thing in the morning! Honestly at this house, morning is not a thankful thing...
So we will see how that goes in the next little while.
The last couple of weeks have been busy yet relaxing? We haven't had anything planned on the weekends! NO WRESTLING!!! And have been able to just hang out as a family and fellowship with friends. Greg and I have got to love on our Church's 4-6 yr old kiddos in Children's Church and then the following week, the 2s and 3s during church! It is amazing to see how many kids we have in our church! And each week the #s are growing!
Missional front... wow, so many of you know we moved to WA to prepare for full time missions. Well, life caught up with us, and while we are still open and slowly doing things, we really haven't put that as the front priority. So yesterday we spent the afternoon talking with our Sunday School teacher (also a former missionary) about it. Reassuring that yes God will make it clear to both of us at the same time! And then when He does, then we need to act!
Well, off to finish some laundry and love on some babies! :) Have a wonderful Monday!!!
I am thinking of putting together a little weekly challenge to get some of these tips/ideas/processes a habit for our house. Like wake up and Thank God first thing in the morning! Honestly at this house, morning is not a thankful thing...
So we will see how that goes in the next little while.
The last couple of weeks have been busy yet relaxing? We haven't had anything planned on the weekends! NO WRESTLING!!! And have been able to just hang out as a family and fellowship with friends. Greg and I have got to love on our Church's 4-6 yr old kiddos in Children's Church and then the following week, the 2s and 3s during church! It is amazing to see how many kids we have in our church! And each week the #s are growing!
Missional front... wow, so many of you know we moved to WA to prepare for full time missions. Well, life caught up with us, and while we are still open and slowly doing things, we really haven't put that as the front priority. So yesterday we spent the afternoon talking with our Sunday School teacher (also a former missionary) about it. Reassuring that yes God will make it clear to both of us at the same time! And then when He does, then we need to act!
Well, off to finish some laundry and love on some babies! :) Have a wonderful Monday!!!
Monday, February 4, 2013
Blog at Home Mom e-book
So I am going through this new book, Blog at Home Mom, Balancing Blogging and Motherhood by Christin Slade, author of very successful and popular Joyful Mothering blog.
I just started, hoping to finish today, and already love it! It walks you through how to be a successful blogger and mother, and good at both!
Christin is selling this book to fund their trip to Ghana and their adoption process.
If you are struggling with blogging and balancing it with motherhood, this is the book for you!
Join me and many other women who are taking this step and balancing our blogging and life as a mom!
Just click here to purchase
today for $4.99.
Christin has also given me a PDF copy of this to giveaway for free! Check out her blog and book then come back and fill out the form below. Randomly drawn name will be emailed a free copy of this book! Drawing will be held on Thursday, February 7th at 12 pst.
http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/0166420/" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
Posted by
2:21 PM
1 comment:
Chritin Slade,

Friday, January 25, 2013
Where do we go from here?
I realized it has been forever since I last posted... One of my goals for this New Year was to get back into blogging, and to make it for God's Glory. And with that I am still trying to figure out where we are going with this. There are so many blogs that I love that are very specific to one area of my life, mommy, wife, farm, chickens, cooking, becoming more environmentally aware, scrap booking, sewing, homeschooling, book reviews, being a Christian, devotionals, and so much more! So how do I separate one part of my life for the blog? I don't think it is possible! And I will continue to think about it, and figure out what is going on. So be patient!
An update on our life...
Jacob is loving school, although we have been dealing with some issues with them, we actually have a meeting today at 3... He is wrestling and loving it!
Chloe is being a little mommy! She loves cleaning, folding laundry, taking care of babies and shopping!
Isaac is a terror!! But such a cute one at that! He is running around crazy getting into everything! And starting to chat up a storm!
We currently have 3 cows, 48 chickens, 10 ducks, 2 cats, and 1 dog... Oh and 2 fish! We are looking to add another puppy soon, and some piggies! But they can wait a bit.
Greg is enjoying coaching wrestling, working and staying out of the mud!
I am working on becoming better about the chemicals/products we use in the house, being craftier, watching a little girl a few times a week to bring in a little more $, and of course taking care of the animals!
SO in the next week or so I should have a clear image of what is to come and where we go from here!
An update on our life...
Jacob is loving school, although we have been dealing with some issues with them, we actually have a meeting today at 3... He is wrestling and loving it!
Chloe is being a little mommy! She loves cleaning, folding laundry, taking care of babies and shopping!
Isaac is a terror!! But such a cute one at that! He is running around crazy getting into everything! And starting to chat up a storm!
We currently have 3 cows, 48 chickens, 10 ducks, 2 cats, and 1 dog... Oh and 2 fish! We are looking to add another puppy soon, and some piggies! But they can wait a bit.
Greg is enjoying coaching wrestling, working and staying out of the mud!
I am working on becoming better about the chemicals/products we use in the house, being craftier, watching a little girl a few times a week to bring in a little more $, and of course taking care of the animals!
SO in the next week or so I should have a clear image of what is to come and where we go from here!
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