Monday, January 26, 2009


Hello all! Since our family website has been taken over by the entire family! We have decided on just having a blog for our mini family so you all may track our travels!

Right now we are packing up the house to be out of here by Saturday! We haven't found any renters, but know that in the end God will provide for us and it will all work out! Greg is off work today due to the freezing weather! :) This is such a blessing as I am able to have him help me get some erronds done and drive me around the snowy roads.

Jacob is getting into trouble as always, he loves being outdoors, which has resulted us in deadbolting all of our outside doors! He likes to sneak out and go next door to the neighbor's house and visit his friend Emmy! :) Trouble already ! And he isn't even two yet! YIKES!

Well, we will be leaving this weekend for Pueblo, Colorado, so pleae pray that the weather is warmer down there for us! :) hehe. I am tired of the cold and really miss El Paso right now!

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