Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Getting Settled

So we are finally in Colorado City. Greg came down last week, then home for the weekend to finish packing up the furniture. We had a little delay on getting down here Sunday. Our neighbors had to take their cat to the vet, and being the first pet the girls have lost, they wanted to take the older two to say goodbye. We watched Emmy, Jacob's crush, while they took care of everything. It was good for them not to have to worry about Emmy, who is almost 3, while taking care of the emotional needs of the other two.

We finally made it down here around 7, and got some things put away, but I have been doing most of the unpacking while Greg is working. Jacob is getting used to the camper again, and all the different rules! Buster seems to adjust easily, so that is good. The internet is touchy, but other than that, there is a great park, pool, hot tub, laundry, work out room, and doggie run right here in the park.

I am working with another mom to get the playgroup up and running again, I guess it was active for a while, but then died off. So hopefully we can get that going soon.

We will be heading home this weekend to paint the inside of the house, but then will say goodbye! Next week we will be looking for a church down here.

Well I better run and finish unpacking, get some laundry done, and maybe if I am lucky a shower!!! :) hehe!!!

1 comment:

Jen Wheeler said...

what kind of park is this? Are you in an RV park? it sounds like there are other families there too.. what a busy life you have, moving from place to place.