Thursday, May 12, 2011

Iron Women of the Word~ Recent Events-LOCK IN

My Slice of Sanity, The Gandy’s Home Base, Angela’s Pursuit of Life, ThoughtsandCreations from Here There and Everywhere, and Harvest of Pearls have joined together to bring you “Iron Women of the Word" blog hop. Once a week we will share about our time in the word and invite you share your time in the word as well.

If you have words of encouragement a devotion or other Christian related post to link up that would be awesome! If you are a "Iron Woman of the Word" and would like to find other Christian Bloggers --link up! Please grab the button to spread the word about our fellowship! I am looking forward to our fellowship. I hope we can all encourage one another each week!

We would like to put you in the spotlight. Each week we will spot one blogger from the previous week. There are only one rule: Please follow all of the hosts, which are the five blogs listed at the beginning of this post.
If you are a new follower to any of these blogs please make sure to leave a comment so that we can follow back. Have fun hopping and have a blessed day.

Recent Events

Last Friday I spent the night with 9 3rd-6th graders for a T&T lock in (our oldest AWANA group).  This was a new age for me, I usually teach the K-2nd graders (and love them!).  Anyways, I was helping out a friend, they needed another woman leader, and it sounded fun!  But we had to teach a lesson Friday night.  (Oh I do not like speaking in front of others, even kiddos!)  But we put together a great lesson (probably a little too much info for one late night~ lesson started at 11 pm!) 

We decided to cover some recent events and Bin Laden's death and the reactions that people had towards it.  There were people rejoicing, they were people who didn't care, there were those sad, there were some worshipping him. 

We first went over what some different sins are.  Hate (people), laziness, murder, lying, gluttony, cheating, pride, disobedience, idolatry, swearing (God's name in vain), selfishness, jealousy, stealing, greed.  The kids listed them off, I then had them rate each sin on a scale of 1-5.  1 being a huge sin, and 5 being a little sin.  Not one said they were all the same.  So we talked about how all sins are equal.  Bin Laden's sins are no worse then yours or mine! 

We asked the kids if he deserved to die.  Some said yes some said no. 

"Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign Lord, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked, but rather that they turn from their ways and live.  Turn!  Turn from your evil ways!  Why will you die, O house of Israel?'" Ezekiel 33:11 

We talked about how "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."  Romans 6:23  And yes he did deserve to die.  We all do, but we don't.  Why don't we die for our sins?  Because Jesus died for us!  So we don't have to!  It clicked!  It was great.  We had some kids that had accepted Christ, and we had some who hadn't.  So at this point we split all the kids up around the sanctuary for some quiet confession time and if they hadn't asked Jesus into their lives, maybe this is the time to do it.  The leaders walked around and talked to some of the kids.  Some didn't want to talk, but the ones that we didn't know if they had accepted Jesus or not really talked to some adults.  It was a great night.  I am not sure if anyone made that step that night or not, but at least they heard the message! 

Plus we got the message on how we should act when an enemy of ours dies, we shouldn't rejoice, we should be sad that if they hadn't accepted Jesus they will spend eternity in hell. 

Like I said it was a lot for one night, but we got it out there...  It was good!  We then followed the lesson with a game of sardine hide and seek (one kid hides in the church~all lights out!) and the others try to find him (or her) and hide with them until all are in that one spot! :)  It was a blast!  I was wiped out at 1:15 am when the kids finally had enough and it was time for bed!  (could you believe they were up at 6:30?)