My Slice of Sanity, The Gandy’s Home Base, Angela’s Pursuit of Life, ThoughtsandCreations from Here There and Everywhere, and Harvest of Pearls have joined together to bring you “Iron Women of the Word" blog hop. Once a week we will share about our time in the word and invite you share your time in the word as well.
If you have words of encouragement a devotion or other Christian related post to link up that would be awesome! If you are a "Iron Woman of the Word" and would like to find other Christian Bloggers --link up! Please grab the button to spread the word about our fellowship! I am looking forward to our fellowship. I hope we can all encourage one another each week!
We would like to put you in the spotlight. Each week we will spot one blogger from the previous week. There are only one rule: Please follow all of the hosts, which are the five blogs listed at the beginning of this post.
If you are a new follower to any of these blogs please make sure to leave a comment so that we can follow back. Have fun hopping and have a blessed day.
Following God's Will
So, I have been struggling lately. We said that we would let Greg's boss's reaction to Greg's requests about his job determine what our next move was going to be. There were a lot of things that were promised to him before we moved here, and some were given but were taken away, others were just never given to him. So Greg sat down with his boss and went over everything with him. The response was very positive. Yes, we were a little disappointed, we were secretly hoping it would be negative and we would be able to move back to CO, however, it was good just to know what was going to happen next. We would stay, work through the struggle of living so far away from family and everything we know. But we felt that this is where we are supposed to be. I was OK with it.
But now... I am not. There has been this desire growing stronger and stronger to move back. I have always wanted to live close to family (I really never did as a kid and never just wanted that for my kids). I have always wanted to have my kids grow up with animals and have that responsibility, and right now there just isn't a way that could happen out here. We went to a petting zoo yesterday, mainly just a bunch of farm animals, and Jacob was a natural around the animals. Very aware of them, felt so comfortable around them, it was great. I just could see us moving back and having a little farm and having Sunday afternoon dinner with family and so many other things.
So this is my struggle. Staying here and doing what I need to do, being faithful and content with what we have been given (I am so thankful for it all and really try to focus on that) but at the same time having this desire to go pack up and go. Well, I know this isn't a typical devotion type post, but just had to get it out there.
I better run, I have about an hour to load up the truck and check out... I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and a great weekend! We will probably be attending a rodeo on Saturday (trying to find a little bit of the west here in New England!) and some yard sales as well!
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago