To celebrate the release of her latest laugh-out-loud book, Too Blessed to Be Stressed
, Debora Coty is hosting the Too Blessed to Be Stressed KINDLE Giveaway!
Too Blessed to be Stressed is a fun-filled read overflowing with insights and practical tips. Perfectly delicious for living happily ever after! -Rhonda Rhea, best-selling author of Whatsoever Things Are Lovely
Read what the reviewers are saying here.
Debora has created a “Too Blessed” prize package worth over $150! One grand prize winner will receive:
* A brand new Latest Generation KINDLE with Wi-Fi and Pearl Screen
* Too Blessed to Be Stressed by Debora Coty (for KINDLE)
To enter just click one of the icons below. Hurry! The giveaway ends August 25th. Winner will be announced on the evening of the 18th during ! Debora will be hosting a "life-preserver" chat (it’s okay if you haven’t read the book – who knows, you might WIN a copy!), testing trivia skills, swapping funny stories, handing out some decom-stress tips, and giving away tons of great stuff! (Chocolate, books, and more!) Hope to see you there. Bring your friends and join the fun on August 25th at 5:00 PM PST (6 PM MDT, 7 PM CDT, & 8 PM EDT).
href="">Debora's De-Stress Facebook Party
Also - be sure to check out Debora's series of Stress-Buster videos at her website: She’s also hosting a photo caption contest on her blog for a chance to win a copy of Too Blessed to Be Stressed.
ABOUT THE BOOK AND AUTHOR:* A brand new Latest Generation KINDLE with Wi-Fi and Pearl Screen
* Too Blessed to Be Stressed by Debora Coty (for KINDLE)
To enter just click one of the icons below. Hurry! The giveaway ends August 25th. Winner will be announced on the evening of the 18th during ! Debora will be hosting a "life-preserver" chat (it’s okay if you haven’t read the book – who knows, you might WIN a copy!), testing trivia skills, swapping funny stories, handing out some decom-stress tips, and giving away tons of great stuff! (Chocolate, books, and more!) Hope to see you there. Bring your friends and join the fun on August 25th at 5:00 PM PST (6 PM MDT, 7 PM CDT, & 8 PM EDT).
href="">Debora's De-Stress Facebook Party
Also - be sure to check out Debora's series of Stress-Buster videos at her website: She’s also hosting a photo caption contest on her blog for a chance to win a copy of Too Blessed to Be Stressed.
Do your to do lists have footnotes? Has your fam suggested a rabies shot because your bite has surpassed Rover’s?
Maybe it’s time for a healthy dose of truth gift-wrapped in humor. With her own offbeat brand of wit and near-wisdom, inspirational humorist Debora Coty addresses the heart-needs of desperate women drowning in the churning everyday stress-pool of busyness.
In Too Blessed to Be Stressed, you’ll find simple, practical steps for attaining the peace that you crave as you struggle with the stresses of finances, health, career, relationships, self-image and family. You’ll discover healing, refreshment, and revitalization for your own spirit, body and mind through heart-changing real life stories, biblically based insights, and short chapters for on-the-run convenience.

WOW. What a great book! I must confess that when I looked at the schedule for this, I started to get a little stressed out... ironic huh? Stressed out about a review on a book called Too Blessed to be Stressed... But then I remembered the first section in this book~ Time Management! (Probably need to work on that just a little more!)
I loved the set up for this book. As a mom of 2, and #3 on the way, I rarely find time anymore to just sit and read, however the short little "chapters" (1-2 pages along with a little reflection time at the end) made it perfect for me to catch a little here and there!
Too Blessed to be Stressed is broken into 4 sections, Time Management, Develop a Sense of Humor, Cultivate Relationships, and Focus on Faith. I loved how Time Management was first... This is definitely something that stresses me out! But through each little "chapter" I found helpful little tips to help me with this.
The entire book was also based on Scripture, which is wonderful! You get the backing from God on how we are not to be stressed, and that just kind of makes it just a little bit more important, I think! :) The last section was a great ending to the book. The number one de-stresser (in my opinion) is to Focus on Faith! God is almighty and always in control and if we just trust in Him, why should we stress? Some of my favorite de-stressing Scripture were used... Matthew 17:20 "If you had faith even as small as a mustard see, you could say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would move. Nothing would be impossible." (NLT) and well for the over-planner that I am, Proverbs 16:9 "We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps." What an eye opener for me! There are so many others, but of course I will let you find them for yourself in the book! :)
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