Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Life is...

... routine, messy, exciting, scheduled, impulsive, tiring, boring.

We are finally coming into a routine of our own, but then of course there are situations that throw us for a loop, like a clogged septic tank pipe which left us without being able to drain water for a day.... 

The kids are doing well, for once we are pretty healthy.  We are trying to figure out an allergy? to apple juice for Chloe.  It is either that or the mixture of milk in the morning and apple juice for snack...  Whatever it is, it drives me nuts!  Jacob is loving the farm life, and of course getting into routine with friends again!  He goes to AWANA, Kid's Bible Class and enjoys small group along with Sunday School and Children's Church!  Isaac is growing like a weed, almost 3 months old now!  I forget how much I love little baby boys

Greg is coming into his own at work.  I think he is really enjoying his new job.  He is learning so much new stuff and will start playing with Auto-CAD this week.  He has started a accountability partner relationship, which is good for everyone I think! He is excited about our upcoming garden and doing our own starts, so that means planning and building a greenhouse!

We are also getting excited about the upcoming calves and piglets we will be getting soon!  The farm life is pretty exciting for us! 

I am doing well.  Struggling with a few issues that I have, but overall doing good.  Trying to catch up in Perspectives and Experiencing God, really loving them both and learning so much about God and myself!  I am loving my chickens and trying not to keep adopting new ones!  We will be getting chicks soon, so that will be an experience! 

Tomorrow will be another book review, so come check it out and enter in another giveaway! A special congrats to Tara over at who is getting a copy of The Beautiful Wife book, Prayer journal, Mentor's Guide and a copy of Mornings With Jesus 2012!!!!
I hope you all are doing well, and you take this extra day of the year to do something special!