Thursday, February 24, 2011

Winter in New England

Well, It has been a while, but let me just blame it on winter in New England. I have been frozen for the last 3 months! It is finally starting to thaw, but it is still cold!!! Life here is pretty good. Our house is draft and cold, our heating bills are up to around $1000 a month during the winter, but our marriage is as strong as it has ever been, our kids are doing great (well once they thaw they will be!) and we are loving loving loving our church family at Dover Baptist.

Let's start a review of everyone...

Greg~ really doesn't like his job, his boss is not a very good guy (he canceled our family insurance on the 1st of the year due to increases in premiums~ it was part of Greg's salary for the company to pay for it...), he is driving about 2.5 hrs to work (one way) every day. But... Greg is a leader with the Truth and Training kids in AWANA (3rd-6th graders), he was leading our small home group (we are now taking the ALPHA class as a group, so he isnt doing much there), and he is enjoying spending time with friends going to Fly Fishing Film Festivals and other odd things! He is working a lot at the church helping put in the new floor in the vestry, shoveling if needed, working in the nursery, and just helping whenever he can! :)

Jacob~ is a Cubbie at AWANA (3-5 year olds), loves Sunday School and Children's Church, enjoys spending twice a month at MOPs with mommy, and adores his baby sister! He is loving the large house and running around and as he puts it "boys like to be cold!" He is enjoying spending time with his friends, Morgie, 'saiah, Colby and Gabe. He will be turning 4 next month!!!!

Chloe~ well she is just a princess if there ever was one. She loves to be the center of attention and is spoiled rotten! We have started her on some oatmeal a few times a week and sometimes she gets a special treat of applesauce or squash (I know who thought squash could be a treat, she thinks so!). She is working on getting her legs under her and pushing up, but for now just lays around and soaks up the attention. She is already 6 months old!!!

Buster~ well he is getting into trouble on almost a daily basis! But I am to blame as he needs to get out, yet it is hard to get out and run when you are frozen! :) Hopefully we will be able to get out soon.

And well for me~ I am trying to stay on top of everything in the house! :) I am working with the Sparks (K-2nd graders) in AWANA, doing MOPs 2x a week, helping out in nursery and kitchen when needed. I am enjoying the social aspects of being in one location for over a year! I am working on finding Greg a new job, all of us a new house, and so many other daily duties of a SAHM! :) I am also watching a little girl, Hanna, 3x a week for a little extra $. I have put in with Business to Blogger to start reviewing products, and also with Tyndale to review books. (We have canceled our TV subscription and now I have all the time in the world to read! hehe).

Well, it is off to switch laundry and vacuum some floors! I hope you all have a blessed day! :)

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I love, love, love reading your blog!
I want you to know that I have been blessed by your family. Isaiah adores Jacob, I adore your “Baby Doll”, and my Greg adores your Greg. He..he..

Truthfully, I’ve enjoyed spending time you. You’re an easy gal to chat and giggle with. I love your kiddos, and Greg is a super helpful all-around nice guy. It will sadden me if you end up moving. I’ll pray hard that God’s will for you would be to stay local or some-what local or closer even to all of us and our church.

It’s amazing how easily I’ve fallen in love with your family… I know that God has everything to do with that! It is my prayer that our friendship might grow and that God will continue to add to the overflowing blessings your family has brought not only to me and my family but also to our church family.

With lots of love, Carrie