Thursday, March 24, 2011

Are you following God's will... or your own?

My Slice of SanityThe Gandy’s Home Base, Angela’s Pursuit of Life, ThoughtsandCreations from Here There and Everywhere, and Harvest of Pearls have joined together to bring you “Iron Women of the Word" blog hop. Once a week we will share about our time in the word and invite you share your time in the word as well.

If you have words of encouragement a devotion or other Christian related post to link up that would be awesome! If you are a "Iron Woman of the Word" and would like to find other Christian Bloggers --link up! Please grab the button to spread the word about our fellowship! I am looking forward to our fellowship. I hope we can all encourage one another each week!

We would like to put you in the spotlight. Each week we will spot one blogger from the previous week. There are only one rule: Please follow all of the hosts, which are the five blogs listed at the beginning of this post.

If you are a new follower to any of these blogs please make sure to leave a comment so that we can follow back. Have fun hopping and have a blessed day.

Recently my husband and I have been told to Prepare for a life of missions.  We do not know timing, we do not know place, we are just to Prepare.  Being the planner that I am, I was figuring out how we can do this.  We need to go to school, pay off debts, immerse ourselves more into the Word, and build up our savings.  I am the type of person who needs to know exactly how something is going to be played out, or when it is going to.  I like to have everything organized, everything planned out.

For us to do the necessary things above, I figured that the only logical way to do this would be to move back to Colorado into Greg's parent's cabin.  We would have a very very low overhead, so that would leave more money to pay off debt, pay for school, and save.  It is also great that Colorado is the home base for a lot of missions organizations!  They have a great Christian school, just opened a campus in Fort Collins, that we could both attend that has a great adult program!  Greg would have to get a different job, but he would be left with more time for school and family.  There is a great church close (the one Greg went to as a kid) that has everything we love about our current church (MOPS, AWANA, adult Sunday School, men's study, etc.) except the people of course!  So, I started to push to find a job out there...  I was spending way too much time doing this.  Hours and hours a day spent looking for a job in Colorado, yet not looking for one here and not asking God what He wants me to do.

One night last week, I had a horrible horrible migraine, but Greg and I needed to talk about finding him a job in Colorado and what he would be willing to do.  He told me that if we are really supposed to move back, God will open the door for us.  If it is in God's will, we just have to listen and be obedient.  After praying with my husband and asking God to help us follow His will, not our own, wouldn't you know... my headache disappeared.  I no longer needed to stress about what was to be.   

I am learning that I need to let go.  I am understanding that everything is planned out, I just may not know exactly what it is.  God has the ultimate plan of our lives and all we need to do is be open to what He wants us to do and then do it! 

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good spirit lead me on level ground. ~Psalms 143:10

Father, I pray that you will speak Your will to me.  That I will be open to hear what You have planned for me, and then that I will be obedient and follow You.  You are the ultimate planner.  Help me to let go of my plans and to follow Yours, for they are much better than anything I could ever think of.  In Your Son's Precious Name, Amen.