Monday, March 14, 2011

Monday after Daylight Savings... tough day

So it was very hard to get up this morning at 4:45, usually by then it is starting to get a little light.  But no it was pitch black! 

Yesterday was a great day!  I went to church alone, Greg stayed home with the kiddos as they needed sleep and were not quite ready to wander out yet.  I am attending a Sunday School class right now on LOVE.  The priority of love, the parts of love, the picture of love, the power of love.  It really is a great class taught by a man who is very very passionate. 

He and his wife have been married 27, wait 28 weeks now!  And they are sickening!

 Yes it is a good sickening!  They are so inlove and do not hold back!  After SS I went on up to church where Pastor Ken talked on What Does it Mean to Be Human?  It was a great sermon on mirroring the image of God.  Mirroring his Moral likeness and mirroring his non-moral likeness. 

What does a life that images God look like? connecting with God in an informed and passionate way. submitting to Godly authority (this includes spouses, bosses, coaches, parents, country leaders, etc.) serving Him in ways that advance His kingdom (fighting evil...) respecting Human Life (abortions, murder) living in harmony suffering well

I took so many notes this week and am really looking forward to going over the verses given and diving in a little more! 

We were left with these applications.

1) We must never forget Jesus imaged God best!
2)Jesus invites us not to waste precious moments (every moment is precious!)
3) Every moment we live is a sacred opportunity for His glory!
4)We are created to live before the face of God! (there is nothing secret, secular, compartmentalized)
5) We are to reflect-mirror- God's image!

The questions that came to mind and were given...

How am I mirrioring God?

How am I reflecting God?

What are your thoughts on this?  If you would like to hear the full sermon you can check out  It might take a few days to get up, but check out the past sermons as well! :)

After church I came home spent some time with the hubby while kiddos were napping and then we took dinner over to family friends and spent the evening enjoying their company!  We got to fill the back of our truck with wood and stocked the house and some of the shed so we are all set for the rest of the cold spell!  Almost all our snow is gone from the back yard! PRAISE GOD! Yet we can see all the mole trails that have been dug this winter...

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! 

Philippians 1:9-11
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ—to the glory and praise of God.

Niagra Falls this summer~ our last trip as a family of 3
My family!  Me, Jacob and Greg!  We were soaked from the boat trip.  About 1.5 months before Chloe was born!