Saturday, March 12, 2011

A lazy, relaxing Saturday with the kids

So today I had all intentions of getting up, getting things done, getting some progress on this house... but then snuggling came in, the blog came up, a good book found my hands... and well, just about no work got done! I say just about no work, because I did wash the dog.  Mind you it was freezing cold outside, the hose water was well below freezing (if that is possible) and the dog was not happy.  But what can you do when he gets sprayed by a skunk at 8pm the night before?  I was not about to tromp him through this house and take him to the bathroom~ the house already smells just from the spray outside!  So, 1 gallon of tomato sauce, 2 gallons of vinegar, some baking soda and some dog shampoo and... the dog still stinks!  Any tips?  He is outside now, drying off (tried to let him dry off in the mud room, but it stunk!!).  Will let him in the mud room soon, then try something else tomorrow... 

I am reviewing Mine is the Night By Liz Curtis Higgs.  It is a great book so far, although I do not like having to flip to the back of the book for interpretations and most of the language is tricky to put together... (have to sometimes say it out loud to get it)  But I am enjoying it for the most part so far. 

I am thinking of cleaning up the office/craft room and working on my quilting tonight while I curl up with the hubby and watch a movie.  I am trying to learn to quilt, and am working on a Turning Twenty {you can see the pattern in the book} quilt for my mother.  I had purchased all my fabric from a lady in Colorado who was selling off a bunch of her fabrics to help cover medical costs and ended up spending $80 for all fabric for an over sized queen quilt!  (Great deal I have heard.)  So now I am trying to square my fabric, although I have recently learned I do not need to square it all, just one side then cut the pieces and square them.  Should make life a little easier! 
Once I get this quilt going, as far as pieces cut and put together I will start to work on my scrapbooking again.  I have Chloe's birth day done along with her dedication and some other days, but have a lot left of Jacob to catch up.  And a ton left from our China trip.  My in laws, just gave me a beautiful silk cover scrapbook that I hope I can trim down my pages that I have done so far and glue them into it.  A word to the wise, do not have too many hobbies or you get very very behind in them all! I can only imagine what will come of this summer and all the gardening, swimming, camping, etc we plan to do... Where will my hobbies be then? 

This is the 4th day of Lent, and I am doing pretty good.  I have given up soda and sweets.  Something that I know I should have been doing a long long time ago!  The cravings for soda come late in the day, and being that wonderful time of the month, I am craving chocolate like crazy!!! But I have not given in.  I am also supposed to be adding time in the word, but I must admit I have a hard time keeping myself to that.  I usually read my Bible in the am once Hanna is here and back to sleep, but lately with the kids being sick I just haven't have the energy.  I know that is no excuse and am really going to try to be better this coming week.   

What are you doing for Lent?  Do you celebrate it?  Why or why not?  I would love to hear from you all!  Did you hear about the new NIV version 2011???  Guess I am going to have to check that out too!  May you have a blessed Sunday tomorrow and a wonderful time worshipping our Lord.

“Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.” - 2 Peter 1:4