So I have been obsessing about my house lately. I am cleaning from top to bottom, making sure every candle is just right, every cupboard is spotless, every dog hair is off the floor, every room just looks perfect. You see I am throwing our 1st ever big birthday blowout this Saturday. We are going to have about 20 kids and their parents here. We are also having a high school friend and her family stay that night as well. I want the house to look perfect.
Will the party guest gawk at a loose toy, or a spot on my window in a room they will never probably even see? No, because they too have children and live in their houses. I guess I need to let go and know that the friends we have and I guess the world in general, will accept us for who we are not what our house looks like.
So I really do believe that I would have done great in the 1950s... For the most part, our society was much closer to God, families were way better, marriages were lived out the way God intended them to be, children (oh my) were much much more well behaved! Life just seemed a little bit better... Well someone sent me this article and I hope you guys can read it! 

I hope you all have a great Wednesday... I will be trying not to obsess so much!
And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you. ~Romans 8:11
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago