Friday, May 20, 2011

Is tomorrow really the end?

So tomorrow is it I guess.  We all will be in heaven (if you are a believer that is!).  Jesus will come back!  No more bills, rent, worry.  :) 

In therory it sounds great, but really putting a date (and time I guess ~ 6pm?) on God and telling Him when He is going to come back?  Sounds a little scary!  (I would watch out for lightening if I were him!)

I don't believe tomorrow is the end.  We don't know, the Bible tells us we don't know and only the Father knows!  All we are to do is be ready and share the good news of Jesus and the hope we have in Him with everyone we know and meet!  So that when He does come back, we are ready! 

Yes it will be a glorious day for those that believe in Jesus and have accepted Him as your Savior!  (For those that haven't, well it is not going to be a good day for you at all, sorry~ but as long as you are still breathing and still have life there is Hope for you to turn to Jesus!)

So in everything that is going on in the next couple days, don't get sucked into the negative of it all, or get sucked into that the world is ending tomorrow...  Instead take some extra time and spend it with our Lord!  :) 

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  If you have any thoughts, I would love to hear them!!!!