Monday, June 20, 2011

A firm foundation

A Firm Foundation

When the decision is made to education your children at home the very first step is to determine how to lay a firm foundation. This foundation is what everything else will build upon, so it is important to be sure it is a firm one. This firm foundation is one that is taught from the moment they can understand us. Respect is taught from day one and is part of the training. “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

The bible verse above is a very powerful one and for homeschoolers they believe it is meant to teach your child at home. It is believed that the Lord is directing us as parents to train our children in the ways of the Lord. As mentioned above the training begins from the moment of birth and continues until your children will begin their own journeys through life. As parents we are always learning and praying to the Lord that He will guide us and help us face daily decisions and choices. The way we live our lives and the choices we make are the models that our children will learn from. Not all is learned from books but most often the important values are learned by example and actions.

As parents we are responsible for the upbringing of our children, which is why so many decided to take on the responsibility of homeschooling. For many it is what they believe is the best route for their children to learn. They will be taught the subjects at the time you as the parent will find are appropriate. The lessons they learn are those that are similar to the ones we ourselves are learning in our own attempts to obey the Lord. We are responsible for our own actions before the Lord. Training our children to be responsible for their actions and to keep their eyes focused on the walk with God is a great lesson to be taught. It is important to teach our children to be obedient, to respect authority, and to do all to the glory of God and not men as well as to stay focused on what is pleasing to God. When you have done this, you have set the foundational issues that will stay with them forever.