Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Christian Homeschooler

The Christian Homeschooler

There are many different programs and curriculums you can incorporate into your home school environment. Many will choose books while others will choose online resources and some will incorporate both online resources and textbooks. The Christian homeschooler’s main component and focus is based on their spiritual beliefs and traditions.

The Christian homeschooler is at ease when teaching their children about their faith. The freedom to teach and practice your religion is one of the main reasons Christians choose to home school their children. There are many groups that Christian homeschoolers can be a part of as well to incorporate not only the religious lessons but also have an entire group with the same belief system. This helps the parents by giving them some time to develop other studies because these groups will normally have other parents take turns in the teachings. It is also helpful for the children, because they are able to socialize with other homeschooled children.

The Christian home school environment is one that involves the entire family. One parent is not teaching the children; instead it is accomplished together keeping the family unit intact. This type of homeschooler abides by the required course studies as well as incorporating Bible studies for a well-rounded student. The children are taught respect, responsibility and love for life as well as social and community issues from a Biblical perspective.

Many parents will choose this route because although the public school system will explore many different religions, these parents feel that they would rather study in depth their own religion. This is not to insult other religions, but to emphasize the importance of their personal beliefs to their children. It is wise to also point out that a Christian homeschooler is not drilled on the Bible all day. Their religious beliefs are given a place of importance that can’t be attained in the public school system.