First... It is summer, which means yard work, garden to tend, and trying to squeeze in some fun in the backyard pool (ours is a turtle sandbox filled with water!).
Second... I am a space head, if you know me, you know this to be true. My poor renters back in CO... they put up with me forgetting to do something or putting it off and then forgetting! I swear by the time this baby comes out I am going to be a walking zombie!
Third... we just had a tragic accident outside our house. A semi truck was speeding and not really paying attention and didn't see the railroad crossing arm down, ran through it and into the Amtrak going by... He died instantly, but as some of our pictures can show, it was a close one for us. Our house is about 30 feet from the tracks, and had either train or truck been going the other way, or faster, or been a freight train, or any number of different things, the truck could have gone into our living room. BUT... God protected us! It was like there was a bubble around our house. Not even a piece of trash (it was a truck full of trash) was on our side of the street! We are so thankful for this and in shock still of it all. You can google Amtrak crash in Maine and find out more about it all if you want.
2nd Pic: Crane going through picking up metal debris, most of that load was the cab of the truck.
3rd Pic: Cleaning up all the trash, you can see the trailer on its side
Other than that, lets see... we are about 21 weeks along with #3, and will be finding out our exact due date/gender next Tuesday!!!
Our garden is going well, I want to make a whole post on it tomorrow. But once again, we have our work cut out for us. We have gone from one large garden and a pepper patch, to one large garden, a pepper patch, a herb garden which extends for more peppers and some cauliflower and broccoli and then our squash and zuccini along with some muskmelon plants in a four plot... Oh the work we have in store...
I am also making my way through One Thousand Gifts and will be doing a discussion on it later this month, or next, depending on timing of everything! :) If you haven't picked it up, please do, it is an amazing book!
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago