Saturday, September 3, 2011

Summer update

Well... I know it has been a long long time since I actually posted something about our family!  So much has happened.  Greg lost his job about a month ago, we are expecting a baby boy in December and are moving from Maine to Washington (yes across the country!).  We have been feeling called to missions for quite a while and with Greg loosing his job, it was the last push we needed to take the step to pursue it!  We are moving back into my mom's house and we will both be going back to school for a more formal Biblical education, and some training in missions/leadership.  With moving back home, we can downsize our living costs and possessions and really focus on what God has for us. 

We left our home in New England after much help from some great friends (we couldn't have packed our trailer without them!) and then weighed our trailer and we were 3000 lbs over the Axel weight... So with it being about 2am, we had to wait until U-Haul opened in the morning so we could unpack a lot of things and pack up a U-Box and ship a ton of our things (we don't have much left... everything had fit in a 16 ft utility trailer!).

We did celebrate our baby girl's first birthday in New Hampshire and then another party in Colorado!

We are now in Wyoming after spending a few weeks in Eastern Colorado/Wyoming with family and friends, and are slowly making our way to Washington, spending time with family along the way.  We are now at Greg's Aunt's house and probably spending a little more time then planned, just to help her out with some of the little things that need fixing around her house!

The Iron Women of the Word will be taking up our regular posts again this fall, we all were crazy busy this summer with kids, moving, husbands, church and well just life in general! 

I thank you for continuing your following and will be posting this fall on our journey into missions, parenthood of 3!, being a stay at home mom who is homeschooling preschool one more year, living with my mom on a farm (yes we will be getting animals!!! WOO HOO!) and so much other things that we will be going through!