Saturday, September 3, 2011

Blue Skies Tomorrow Book Tour

To celebrate the release of Blue Skies Tomorrow, the final installment of the Wings of Glory series, Sarah is giving one lucky winner A Vintage Kindle Prize Package!

One winner will receive:

* Kindle with Wi-Fi

* Handmade vintage apron for you and a friend (see a photo here)

* Blue Skies Tomorrow (for Kindle)

To enter just click one of the icons below. But, hurry, giveaway ends on 9/10. Winner will be announced on 9/12 at Sarah Sundin's blog. Details and official rules can be found when entering the contest.

About the book:

About Sarah:

Sarah lives in California with her husband and three children. Visit with Sarah online at


I really enjoyed this book.  It was hard to read at times due to the pain that Helen was fighting and the struggles that each of the characters had to deal with.  There were times when I was very upset about the way that Helen was treated by her inlaws, son, and others in the community and how she allowed it.  But over all it was a great love story that brought back the old time romancing that gentlemen used to do.  I love old war romances, and was not disapointed by this story at all.  I am looking forward to reading the other two books in the series and following more of the Novak family!  This is a first novel that I have read by Sundin, and was very impressed by the research that she did for her book.