Friday, November 18, 2011

It's Friday and I asked for a new doctor!

(This is our baby boy due to come early December! First 3D ultrasound for us!!!) 

So I am going to be 37 weeks on Monday... I met my doctor for the first time this week, and unlike in the past, I did not like him.  For one, while listing off the risks of a c-section (this is #3 for me) he included that my intestines, bladder or BABY may be cut...  Now if I was a first time mom, I would have freaked!!!! (OK I know that there are somethings that need to be disclosed, but you do not need to add, very seriously, that you haven't cut a baby in a long time!)  Then we went on to the Strep B test, which was very painful (something about a man and never having that done is just not right!)  And that was that.  I got home, told my husband about the visit, and declared I just didn't like him.  Greg didn't like him that much either from me repeating the visit to him. 

Something about me~ I do not like confrontation.  This can be as simple as picking up the phone to invite someone over, not bad confrontation, but I just don't like it.  I am also the type that when I call to dispute a cell phone bill, somehow they have me agreeing that I owe more then originally!!!  So for me to call the doctors office today and request a new doctor (oh by the way we are scheduled for our C-section on Dec. 8th so time is a little pressed!!) was, to say the least, very very scary!  At first the receptionist was just open with the fact that they are short one Dr (due to maternity leave) and the holidays have them booked solid.  Then when I explained that I was just not comfortable with him, and I have never done this before, she was laughing and apologizing saying that I will have to keep the next appointment, but can talk about switching after that... 

So we will see what God has planned for us!  I know He is in control and He knows what is best and all that is going to happen!  And I do feel better knowing that I did stand up and make that phone call regardless of how scary and uncomfortable it was.  And for now we will just pray that maybe I go into labor earlier then the 8th and the dr I do not like is well, not available!  :) 

What about you?  Do you have a story to share about doctors? Asking for a new one? Or any other scary confrontational situation?  What have you done to overcome it?  Any tips are welcome as I am learning to be more strong and stand up for myself... :)