Thursday, November 17, 2011

The House of Hope

So I must apologize for my unannounced absence.  As most of you know, we moved across country and into my mom's house... Well, life has not moved quite as fast as I would have liked, but that is ok.  I have 2 full boxes to unpack still, one full of shoes and the other is the last of our kitchen stuff.  The office is a mess, but at least is unpacked (as of this afternoon!)

We found a church we love last Sunday.  It has been amazing to us how God has just let us know where our home is!  We know the first visit there, it is a very much needed answer to prayer and I am so thankful for it!  Tonight was Jacob's 1st night with his new Cubbies group and he loved it... Friday is our first small group! :) 

Well today I am going to kick off my return with a review of an amazing book, The House of Hope by Elisabeth Gifford.  This true story is about a couple, Robin and Joyce Hill, along with two of their 7 children, start a medical orphange in China!  The following intro to this book and the author are from the publisher:

About The House of Hope: One couple’s powerful ministry to some of China’s most vulnerable children

Robin and Joyce Hill lived in a gated community in Beijing. Their family’s life was marked by luxury and the security of Robin's job as an engineer. Then one day, as members of their church, they had a chance to tour a state-run orphanage. Haunted by the needs of the children they saw there, for the next four years they tried to help the institute in meaningful ways.

In 1998 the Hills planned to leave China, but instead felt a sudden call from God on their lives. They left their gated community--reserved for only non-Chinese residents--moved their family into a small apartment miles outside of Beijing and immediately began to take in foster children.

They took in any child, but especially those that needed extra care—terminally ill children that couldn't receive care elsewhere, and those that needed complicated and expensive surgeries that the Hills soon began to coordinate and sometimes pay for out of their own savings.

What began as Hope Foster Home is now New Hope Foundation. As they continue their work, the Hills enjoy support from major corporations and high-profile philanthropists as well as the trust of the Chinese authorities. The Hills' story is an inspiring example of God's care and provision for those whom society does not value. Learn more about Hope Foster Homes here:

Link to buy the book:

About Elisabeth Gifford: Elisabeth Gifford is a journalist who has written for the London Times and the Independent Newspapers. She lives in Kingston, England, and teaches children with dyslexia.

I was completely taken back by this book!  It was such an eye openner to what God can do if you are only willing to follow him.  From one little cot in their dinning room to multiple houses and relationships throughout China, it is clear that God is using the Hills for amazing things in China. 

Having traveled to China before, I have seen the need that the country has for people like the Hills.  What amazes me is that they not only take these medically needy children in, they treat each and everyone as if they were their own!  It takes an amazing strong heart and trust of God to love so many children and know that not all will be adopted or live. 

This is a book I strongly recommend!  I look forward to following the Hill's and the Houses of Hope and hopefully on our next trip over to China, maybe even visit one! 

If you would like to read more reviews on this book, please check out the tour:  And some happy news if you buy the book... 100% OF THE PROCEEDS OF THIS BOOK GO TO FUND THE WORK AT HOPE FOSTER HOME. 


Oh and there is a giveaway!!!!!!!

The publisher is sponsoring a $50 "GET / GIVE" GIVEAWAY: One winner will receive a $50 gift certificate for themselves AND $50 will be given in the winner's name to Hope Foster Home. The giveaway is open to both you and your blog readers.

To enter all you have to do is send a tweet (using #HFH) about The House of Hope or share about it on Facebook!
If you tweet we'll capture your entry when you use #HFH. If you share it on Facebook or your blog, just email us and let us know ( Easy.
Not sure what to tweet/post? Here's an idea:
TWEET THIS: Couple gives all to rescue babies in China! 100% proceeds go to #HopeFosterHome RT 4 $50 to @amazon & $50 to #HFH   (must use hashtage #HFH to be entered)

FACEBOOK THIS: The House of Hope: One couple abandons a comfortable life to rescue abandoned children. Robin and Joyce Hill have helped over 1300 Chinese orphans with severe medical problems. Purchase a copy for everyone you know - the book is a gift that gives a gift. 100% proceeds to help support the work at Hope Foster Home! Learn more here: Share this for a chance to get a $50 GC and $50 in your name to Hope Foster Home! Click For Details.

***I recieved this book from Litfuse Publishing in return for my honest opinion and review of the book.  All thoughts and comments on this book are my own and I was not paid anything to give a good review!***