Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Well... this was an interesting New Year for me!  We went to our neighbor's barn for their annual New Year's Eve party.  Just a little secret I am going to let you all in on... I am not very good at social situations.  I love them, but am not good at them!  Tonight I had at least 2 very awkward situations, 1 trying to talk to people but ended up talking about the train crash outside our house... and to say the least my conversation was a train crash!  Next was someone trying to say hi from long long time ago and well... I didn't say much and it was UGLY (that is just putting it nicely), even Greg sitting there, who usually saves me, was uncomfortable by it all!  Then the New Year's Eve spokeswoman (some lady all dolled up and perky) was pushy about dancing... We don't dance.  Part of our prenups! (Just kidding... but maybe we should have!)

So, we had great food, good time for a little, and then my train crash... And well add all that on top of my first night out from the baby, and being very very sleep deprived, I ended up in tears by 10:15 and came home... 

I made it to midnight (it is actually 12:45, got sucked into a NCIS I haven't seen yet) wished the hubby a Happy New Year and then off to bed.

Oh and to make tonight even tougher, Isaac (new baby) is in the kids' room for the first time tonight!  Oh my can I just add another thing to the night?!?! 

So now I am left thinking about my 2011 and what I want in 2012.  So I have come up with these resolutions/goals for the coming year.

*Start working on loosing some of this baby weight and getting healthier! (by the way this is baby weight from 2007 and baby #1!)

*Build a stronger love relationship with the Lord

*Read through the entire Bible this year and read more of it to the kids

*Build a farm and start a little home business with it

*work on our marriage, bring us closer to the Lord together

*become debt free and start building savings/emergency fund/vacation $

*build up the blog, get more consistent on it, and make it more successful

So what was your New Year's Eve like?  What are your resolutions for the year to come?  I would love to hear from you!