Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My word for 2012

I have noticed a lot of people picking a word for the new year.  A word that will describe how they want to live and do things differently... I started to think about it, how can I pick just one word?  There are so many things I want to change or do this year.  And just ONE word?  That is tough!


I did it.  I was reading through comments on another blog, and all the different words people were picking and thinking Oh, thats a good one, so is that... But only one kept popping into my head.  It goes with my verse of the year too. 

Immerse.  It means to involve oneself deeply into something.

I want to immerse myself into God's Word.

I want to immerse myself into worship and service.

I want to immerse myself into my marriage.

I want to immerse myself into my friendships.

I want to immerse myself into my kids.

I want to immerse myself into our new church.

I want to immerse myself into this amazing world God has given us.

I don't want to hold back this year, I want to give my all to whatever I am doing at the moment... I don't want to do something only part way, or give myself part way to someone. 

Do you have a word that describes 2012 and what you want it to be?  Or how you want to live?  Please share!