We are taking the Perspectives on the World Christian Movement course through our new church to prepare for this missions thing. Boy is it exhausting! But it is AMAZING! We are only on week 4 in class, and week 2 for the homework (OK Greg and I are a little behind) but it is so encouraging to what God had intended for missions.
So, my exciting revelation that I have had recently is helping me with the fact that I honestly haven't felt that calling to go out and reach another nation or anything like that. (Which at one point had me really worried!) See, I have always been a very local minded person. Why go help people around the world when there are people down the street that are going through the same thing? It just never made sense to me. I have really never gone on a mission trip and honestly don't feel the need to! There is so much to do right here in my own town not to mention even our street! Don't get me wrong, I think it is amazing the people that go around the world, give up hot water, running water for that case, fresh food, houses, the list goes on, but I don't feel that need for me to do that!
You can imagine when Greg had a little chat with God about missions, and I am left in the dust, it was a little scary! And then to top it off, Greg has a heart for the Native Americans/First Tribes~ and the only ones he has come in contact with are way up in northern Canada! Even more scary. But my revelation the other day is that we can both fulfil what God has placed on our hearts. It just happens we live about 10 miles for a Reservation of a very lost people! Talk about local and reaching our neighbors! This is a group that I visited as a kid, delivered food to, etc.
Oh and did I mention our new church is starting to form some that want to start up a ministry for these people? :) God's timing is GREAT! We just need to have our eyes open to see where He is working then join Him! (From the Experiencing God study)
The point of this is to let you know that God isn't going to call only 1/2 of a marriage. You are 1 in God's eyes, and He isn't going to call 1 person and not the other. It just may be that His calling comes across different for each person, but He will still have you go together. For me it is a local outreach, these are people I grew up with. For Greg it is reaching out to the unknown. God calls us each to what He has crafted us for, and we are all unique. His calling will be to both, but He just may use a land line for one spouse and a cell phone for the other, but in His eyes He is calling the same number.
{Links for 2/9/12}
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