Monday, October 1, 2012

1/2 Marathon... day 1 :)

So I am am going to try to do a half marathon... but not running!  On my blog.  Christian Marriage Bloggers Association is putting out a challenge to post everyday for 13 consecutive days.  And well I am going to give it my best! 

I have a huge fear of talking in front of others.  Even if it is just one on one I am scared.  I will replay the conversation, analyze it, critic what I said, what you meant, and so on.  It is so bad it happens even with my own husband sometimes  This is a place where God is working in my life. 

A few months back I offered to help with a baby shower.  For some crazy reason I even offered to pray aloud with a group for a little girl!  {Me! PRAY! ALOUD!!! with others there!  This was not me!}  And you know what it was fine. 

Then we became members at our church... We were asked to give a testimony on Be Hope.  Just the thought of it had me itching, hot, tears welling up... Our pastor was shocked I think!  So, Greg talked and I stood next to him with tears in my eyes, hands firmly on my son, and face as hot as could be. 

I really felt God was telling me I needed to let go and let Him change me. 

So... yesterday was our turn to teach children's church.  {Even this makes me nervous and scared!}  As I was reading the story (Luke 2) I noticed how calm I felt. I even changed my tone when reading to emphasize parts!  :)  Then the unheard of happened... the kids were getting wild and it was time for songs...  {I was not given a singing voice!} And I sang in front of these kids!  I felt great!  Maybe didn't sound great, but there was no nerves, no tears, no hot face! 

Leaving church I felt great!  Bragged myself up to my husband... it was a big deal to me! 

Then this morning...  reading my Mornings With Jesus devotional...

"Let the one who boasts, boast of the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31

"But I'm singing my own praises, am I not?  Priding myself on a job well done?  That's a slippery slope, I know.  Pretty soon I'll forget that the Lord had a hand in this and begin to think it's all about me." 

later in the devotional Judy Baer continues: "But it's not true, is it?  None of this happened because of me.  Without Christ, there's nothing good that I can do.  It's all ashes.  Only with Him can I really succeed.  There is no one to brag about but Jesus.  I must never mess with the Father's glory r intrude or lay claim to the holy works of God."

I know that me reading and singing to these kids was all God.  He gave me a peace and the words and everything to be able to teach these kids His story.  To bring Him glory!  But on that drive home I didn't give glory to God.  I sang my own praises.  And today, He reminded me that it wasn't possible without Him. 

How great is God that He grows me and then when I fail to recognize what He has done, He gives me that little reminder to focus on Him and give Him praises! 

Our memory verse from yesterday was


I need to remember to shout for joy to the Lord, not sing my own praises!  Sing His praises and give all the glory to Him!