~Wordy Wednesday~
Focusing on God's Word Around Our Homes.
I always thought it was odd that people had a lot of scripture art, plaques, etc around their house... I mean wouldn't that $ be used for something better like feeding someone or paying a bill?
As I grew, married, had kids and made a home of my own, we had a few things here and there with scripture but not much.
Then I was hit with this verse:
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:9
Huh. OK now I get it! We are to surround our selves with God's Word! Let our house shine with His Words. So slowly I have been adding more and more scripture to our house. We still don't spend a lot of $ on them, mostly clearance items for the next year or altered items! :)
I got these these cute little wooden conversation bubbles {pickyourplum} that I painted with blackboard paint {My oh so favorite thing right now!} and we can change out the verses on them.
The kids got a chalkboard easel from grandma and well it just needed new paint {and of course new blackboard paint!} and it just looked too plain. So I put some scripture on the top of it.
Slowly but surely we are covering our house with God's Word!
Coffee cups with scripture.Art work done by the kids.
{This is finished with "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly"}
But don't let it stop there...
Little notes in hubby's lunchbox to bring encouragement while he is at work.
Kid's learning verses.
Christian music playing softly in the background
{You will be amazed at the way your attitude changes when God's Word is being sung around you! Quick side story... Hubby works with all non-Christians in a construction shop. One day they were fighting over the radio, so he took charge, changed it to Praise 106.5. He said the guys had never been nicer to one another, swearing was down, they were curtious to one another. He said it was a great day! And that is with those that don't even know the power of God!}
Verses delivered automatically to my cell phone.
I believe the more we surround our selves, immerse ourselves, with God's Words, the more they are going to take root into our hearts. And anytime God's Words take root into our hearts, our lives, relationships benefit.
Project Ideas:
***Find a great picture of you and hubby... Get a frame with a mat (can be dollar store or one you have laying around) Write or paint a scripture that you had at your wedding, or one of my favorites: "I found the one my heart loves" from Song of Solomon. {And while you are in the Song of Solomon read it with your love!}
***Leave encouraging scripture in your spouses car/truck for him to find throughout the day.
***Write scripture with an erase able marker (vis-a-vi/dry erase) on your mirrors/windows.
***Paint scripture on your walls.
Please share your ideas with us!
One random commenter will be given
2 blackboard conversation bubbles!!!
This is post #3 in Christian Marriage Bloggers Association 1/2 Marathon Challenge!
http://www.upliftingmarriage.com/12-marathon-blog-challenge/ "target= "_blank">
" alt="" width="125" height="125" />
Although I realized that this 1/2 marathon challenge is for marital posts, my posts are not strictly based on marriage but Christian Life. And well I thought it would be a good challenge to write once a day for 13 days! :) Hope that works!
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