Tuesday, March 1, 2011

HOMEmakers Challenge

Schedules... oh I do not like them, but... I am finding that I do need to schedule a little bit for our lives to be somewhat orderlly...  Neither one of my kiddos has had to have a set schedule (Thank you God!)  however I am finding that if I do not set aside certain chores for certain days, they get pushed and pushed until I am feeling overwhelmed!  So here is my rough (and I mean ROUGH) schedule!

4:30 am~ get up and get car/truck started and make Greg's lunch
5:00 am~ get Greg out of house!
(M/Th) 5:05am~ go back to bed until 7:30ish
(T/W/F) 5:05am~ do dishes, tidy kitchen, tidy playroom/living room
T/W/F) 6:00am~ Hanna arrives, she does down on couch in playroom for nap, I have coffee and do my semi-daily Bible reading/study
7:30~ catch some pleasure reading, or start to get day going with shower/packing bags, etc.
Usually we try to do school between 9-12 (however this varies on how much we have to do, if Hanna is here, or if we have plans for the day)
Naps, if home and able, are sometime after lunch (depending on how late breakfast was, or what was going on that morning...)

Monday nights we have Small group (currently ALPHA at the church) at 6:00pm
Tuesday nights we have AWANA at 6:30pm
1st and 3rd Wednesdays we have MOPs from 9:30am-12pm
Thursdays are free day, get together with friends, clean house, anything that needs to be done!
Fridays we usually try to do a playgroup or something with friends

Weekends are open however Greg has men's study at 7am, and I try to have coffe with a few girlfriends while the boys are at church.
Sunday School at 9:15, church at 10:30

That is about as much as I can get done.  Everything is open for change and varies from day to day.  :)