Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Thoughts on some things...

So I just finished "Love Finds you in Lahaina, Hawaii" by Bodie Thoene. It is one of the Love Finds You series. Overall a great book. Really had you relate to the characters, keep you going with events, excitement, love and it helped that it switched back and forth from the 70s to the 1880s-1890s. Very easy read, with a great ending. (I am a sap for a good love story!) Lots of scripture~ which always is great in a book! This is the 2nd or 3rd that I have read from the Love Finds You sereis, and I really do like them. They are easy to pick up and follow and are just happy light readings!

Also finished "The Atonement Child" By Francine Rivers. Good story line, however did not make me cry... I can tell if I am really into a book and it has me captured when I cry~ sometimes bawl! (Certain authors I know not to read in public!!)

Well, on to some movies we have watched recently... "Welcome to the Rileys" rated PG-13... Horrible language, however I do believe that it was needed for the story. (I am not a fan of foul language and am the first person to step in when it is being used, however I did understand the need for it in this movie!) It was a great story about a girl who is a striper and a guy who lost his 15 year old daughter and how he trys to fix this young girl... Really good until the end... then it just ended- there was nothing!!! It would have been better if everyone died... at least there would be something, but this was horrible! Very big let down for a great movie!

We also watched "Red" the other night with Morgan Freeman and Bruce Willis. Pretty good action comedy... I even replayed a scene twice it was so good! Not too much language (actually none that I can remember!) No nakedness, a few deaths, but not too much violence, over a great movie to cuddle up with the hubby (no kiddos though) and laugh.

Well, that is all for now... I am working on my first review for netgalley.com So I will let you all know how that book turns out! :)

Took the kiddos for a walk today down to the Post Office and then stopped at Subway for lunch on the way home... fussy kiddos!!! Oh well, it was good to get out! Hopefully I can start to make a tradition of it and get back into shape! Tonight is AWANA!!! Jacob is so excited, he has memorized John 3:16 and always gets so excited to share it with his wonderful leaders. Greg will be missing due to having to work on the car and putting the transmission in, although he did tell me it would not be done tonight~ gonna have to work on a ride to MOPs in the am :( I can't stand being carless! Oh well, I guess all his hardwork will save us about $1700 total, so it is not a complete loss! :)