Friday, March 11, 2011

Sickness all around...

Well it's Friday!!!! This usually would be a very exciting day for us, however it really isn't Friday since Greg has to work tomorrow.  And I am going stir crazy from being in the house all week!  If you didn't know, our car is almost completely dismantled in the garage.  It is getting a new transmission, a lower intake manifold, has something wrong with a head gasket (?), an oil leak, and a few other things I can not remember!  (Don't ask me what any of these things are~ I have no idea!  I am just thankful that my father in-law was a master mechanic for 20+ years and taught Greg a lot about cars so he is doing the work!  (Saving us thousands in labor- actually a new car since ours isn't worth much.) 

Both kiddos are sick, although I do think they are on the backside of this cold.  Both kids' fevers have broke (at least Jacob's, Chloe's I will check in a bit) and neither are coughing near what they were yesterday!  I am so thankful for that.  However the downside of having two sick kiddos is mom is starting to feel the effects of it.  :(  I do not enjoy being sick.  SO I am going to fight it the best way I can~ clean the house!

So now I am off of here, off to vacuum the upstairs of the house, maybe sort through some clothes to get rid of (still have my box of stuff to fill today!) and get something accomplished.  If I succeed in this then when hubby gets home with the truck~ I AM OFF!!!  I AM GETTING OUT OF THIS HOUSE!  We need many groceries and toiletries and mommy needs fresh air and interaction with people!

On a very positive note~ it has been raining ALL day today and has melted a lot of the snow out of our yard.  I will trade snow for mud any day!  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  I might be back tomorrow, since Greg is working, but if not I will see you all Monday morning!

Order your copy of Leaving today~ you will not be disappointed!!!  Check out my review on the book review page!