WOW, it is Wednesday already and I have not really been on the computer since Friday! Usually weekends are off limits for me to be on the computer and then Greg was home on Monday, so there went that day! And yesterday, kiddos were very sick and I had a long long list of housework to get done before I could come online! (Well obviously I didn't finish my work and didn't get to the blog world!) So that leaves me with today... Kiddos are still fighting this sickness... Jacob is doing ok~ I don't worry about him quite so much as he is old enough to take some meds, Chloe on the other hand has been fighting a fever and we are rotating between tylenol and ibprophen... She has a horrible cough when awake, but when sleeping it seems to go away which is good. It stinks not having insurance incase something were to go wrong, although I know we would make it work one way or another.
I am needing to write my first review on
Nightshade and having a little trouble getting started on it... Oh well, guess I just need to jump into it! As far as my 3 in 30, laundry got behind this weekend (blame it on not doing work on the weekend, sick kiddos and then a little guy who wet the bed Sunday night), but now I am all caught up. I think there are 2 loads to fold and then a gentle cycle for Chloe's quilt and I am all done!!!! :) I need to post my recipe for HOMEmakers Challenge and post some freecycle/craigslist items!!! OH if only there was more time in the day and more energy for mommy!
I also put in for my first product reviews, and will be excited to hear back from them!
I have started
Leaving by Karen Kingsbury and love it as usual! I am also reading
A Conversations with God for Women and really enjoying that as well. On Monday I got my first two books to review (real physical copies that is!!) one being the
Conversations and another
Mine is the Night by Liz Curtis Higgs.
Ok well, I must leave my blog for now, and get some work done! :) We did our school work for the day and if you are looking for a good Christian homeschooling program check out By becomeing a member (only $23.95) you have all 26 letters lessons (they come with an animal, a verse, a character building, math, science, reading, physical education, cooking, songs, etc. all for ages preschool through 3rd grade along with Sunday School lessons, special day lessons, and so so much more!) I am finding that I don't have enough time (or ink) to print out and do all that I would like from her site!!! Todays lesson was F, flamingos. We were learing how to Change from the Inside Out and how the Holy Spirit helps transform us into Christlike people! We played flamingo bingo learning about different colors and relating them to Jesus! The kids love the lessons. Oh and your first 4 are free!!!!
Today is also the begining of Lent. I am still trying to think about what to give up~ I think soda and sweets and then also adding something to my day, maybe extra time in the Word. What are you doing for Lent?
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