Wow! Wednesday all ready. I guess my week is a little thrown off having Greg home last Friday then Monday and Tuesday! It was a good, well needed rest for him, and honestly I needed the time with Greg as well!
We celebrated Jacob's 4th birthday on Saturday with a ton of friends! After starting the morning off a little rough (a cake that stuck to the pan, a fondant disaster, and over all stressing out... everything came together for an absolutely perfect party! Jacob had never had so many presents his entire life! The kids had a blast and I think the parents had a good time chatting with everyone! I had friend from high school come up (we haven't seen each other in 6+ years!) with her family and had a great time reconnecting! The night wrapped up with a small dinner party and a loud game of Apples to Apples! :) Jacob with his panda pillow pet for learning his letters, but then his dog one from his friend Morgie and her family! (the best present of the day!)
We had our second to last meeting of ALPHA, and this was on healing. Greg and I share the same point of view that we know God can do anything and is all powerful, but we sometimes get skeptical of the huge healing revivals! I found as we were going around praying for the women in our group (men and women split) I steered more towards praying for other needs other than physical. I know that God can heal these women and so I asked that if it is in His will then it be done, but spent a lot of time in thanksgiving for each of these women and how they impacted my (and my families) life.
Well, now I am off to MOPs this am! What a needed blessing! Have a beautiful Wednesday!
zainsaeed · 200 weeks ago