Saturday, April 9, 2011

A Beautiful Saturday filled with laundry

Today is a beautiful day.  The sun is shining, there are no clouds in the baby blue sky and I am stuck inside doing laundry.  It is my own fault for not doing it sooner in the week or getting it done throughout the week.  Oh well... I am trying to make sure that I don't have any chores to do on Sunday and really soak in the day of rest.  (or day of play in our house).  Greg is working today.  He had two days off this week, due to weather so he is trying to get in his 40 hours. 

Today would be a perfect day to go to the beach.  However the beach is a good 15 miles and well the car is in about 15 pieces still.  I am not complaining about that.  We just did our taxes last night and will be getting a large refund back so in about 2 weeks, my car will be back together!  (Well, Greg's car since I hope to get the truck back!) 
We are both struggling this morning with our refund.  It is large enough that we can afford to move back to CO, live for a month and work on the cabin, and pay off some immediate debt.  Or it is enough to stay here, put some $ into a house we don't own, pay off all debt (except the truck), and save some.  It is such a tempation for us to pack up and run.  ( I know this is going to be read by some that live here, so don't read too much into my words!)  I think that if God wanted us to be back in CO a job would open up for Greg and we wouldn't be running from here.  Either way I am looking forward to paying off some bills, being able to hopefully find some medical insurance for the kids, and at least fly back and see my Grandparents and introduce them to Chloe. 

Well, clothes are almost done in the dryer, better go and get to folding and putting away! :)  I think I want this in our laundry room!