This weeks challenge is to clean up our master bedroom! Well... Let me just tell you that I do pretty good at that on a regular basis!! Our bedroom is to be OUR retreat! We do not have TV in our room and usually do not read in bed either... We feel it distracts us from one another~ if you can read you can talk to your spouse. I don't remember where I read it, but there was something about always making your bedroom romantic. Have it be the retreat for your spouse and you, a place where you both want to spend time together.

Yes there is the times where our bedroom gets over stuffed with laundry waiting to be folded, changing of clothes (seasons/maternity/etc.) but for the most part I try to keep it up. I was never one to make my bed. Didn't see the point in it. When I moved in with my Great Grandma (I was 19 at the time) she insisted that I make my bed... even came down to the basement and taught me how to make it. I will never forget when she told me that if you just don't move in your sleep you won't have that hard of a time making your bed, you can just pull the covers up! :) (This being said to someone who tosses and turns all night!!!!) Anyways, she battled me on that for the few months I was living there, and even when I was on my own and married! Well, Great Grandma joined our Lord in Heaven a few years ago just a week shy of her 96th birthday! And wouldn't you guess that I make our bed almost every single day since she passed away? I don't know why, I just do! I guess it is part of me that just holds on to the time I had with her, and is just a way of remembering her.

Jacob with Great Grandma on our cruise to Mexico in December 2007
HI! I'm visitng from the challenge - you have a beautiful room :) I keep ours clean as well - it's so much easier to have a place to retreat to at the end of a long day, isn't it :)
Such sweet memories of your grandma!
Happy day to you!!
If I remember correctly, you are forcing that chore onto you children, as well.....LOL
It is sweet how you honor your great grandma's memory by making your bed every day!
My Grandma was the same- and I have always made my bed. I keep ours clean too. :) Visiting from the challenge!
Good for you!! And what a great way to remember your grandma. It is neat to see how the little things can tie into our lives in such a way.
I've heard that since the bed takes up so much of your room (well, def. my room since my room is quite small), making it makes such a big difference in the appearance, in such a short time. And it's so true! :)
You have a very nice bedroom! I think your bed is beautiful!
Wow it is big. Great Job.
I agree with grandma on the bed making! It makes the room look clean even if it isn't :) Great job and keeping it clean!
Our bedroom is probably the most "picked up" room in our house, too! It's nice to be able to have one clean room to retreat to when the rest of the house is overwhelming in need of cleaning! :-D
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