ok so i have 1 hr. 15 minutes left for this days post... honestly forgot about it until i was in bed... so this is coming from my cell. sorry for the lack of formating. as days get shorter remember to cherish your family time. it is so common to be running in 5 different directions and not having family nights. tonight i was so excited to have us all home with nothing to do then my mom came home and reminded me i had promised to go shopping with her... not a bad thing. we actually had a great time and even took chloe. 9pictures to come tomorrow0. but we didnt have time for our little family. just schedule it in like any other commitment you may have because the days fly... they really do.
***this was done, it just wouldn't post from the cell*** :)
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Thursday, October 4, 2012
CMBA #4... feeling the burn... Women Redeemed 2.0
Today is day 4... a tough one... I just couldn't think about what to blog about. I know I really need to start a list when the ideas pop in my head... Because now I have writer's block...
Oh well, I guess instead I will inform you of a great event coming up! :)
< strong>One fortunate winner will receive:
< br />
< ul>
< li>iPad with Wi-Fi
< li>Cradle My Heart by Kim Ketola, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow by Teske Drake and When a Woman You Loved Was Abused by Dawn Scott Jones
< /ul>
< strong>Hurry, the giveaway ends on 10/10/12. Just click one of the icons below. The winner will be announced that evening at the Women Redeemed Webcast! In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on October 10th at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused). The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening, open and loving environment.

< h3 style="text-align: center;">
Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 10th!
Oh well, I guess instead I will inform you of a great event coming up! :)
Join authors Kim Ketola, Teske Drake and Dawn Scott Jones for an evening of encouraging chat about healing and hope for women on the evening of October 10th. The authors will join together for a Live Webcast Event to share their stories.
< br />
< h3 style=”text-align: center;”>
BUT … wait there’s more! Between 10/1 and 10/10 enter to win a brand-new iPad from Women Redeemed!
< a href="http://promoshq.wildfireapp.com/website/6/contests/295397" target="_blank">
< strong>One fortunate winner will receive:
< br />
< ul>
< li>iPad with Wi-Fi
< li>Cradle My Heart by Kim Ketola, Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow by Teske Drake and When a Woman You Loved Was Abused by Dawn Scott Jones
< /ul>
< strong>Hurry, the giveaway ends on 10/10/12. Just click one of the icons below. The winner will be announced that evening at the Women Redeemed Webcast! In coordination with the launch of their fall releases, Kregel will be hosting a live webcast event on October 10th at 8 PM EDT featuring authors Kim Ketola (Cradle My Heart), Teske Drake (Hope for Today, Promises for Tomorrow), and Dawn Scott Jones (When a Woman You Love Was Abused). The webcast will allow women to come together to share their struggles and fears in order to move toward healing and hope. Women will able to support one another and discuss shared experiences in a non-threatening, open and loving environment.
< center>
< a href="http://promoshq.wildfireapp.com/twitter/233/contests/295397" target="_blank">

< h3 style="text-align: center;">
Don't miss a moment of the fun, RSVP today. Tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 10th!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
CMBA post #3... Wordy Wednesday...
~Wordy Wednesday~
Focusing on God's Word Around Our Homes.
I always thought it was odd that people had a lot of scripture art, plaques, etc around their house... I mean wouldn't that $ be used for something better like feeding someone or paying a bill?
As I grew, married, had kids and made a home of my own, we had a few things here and there with scripture but not much.
Then I was hit with this verse:
You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates. Deuteronomy 6:9
Huh. OK now I get it! We are to surround our selves with God's Word! Let our house shine with His Words. So slowly I have been adding more and more scripture to our house. We still don't spend a lot of $ on them, mostly clearance items for the next year or altered items! :)
I got these these cute little wooden conversation bubbles {pickyourplum} that I painted with blackboard paint {My oh so favorite thing right now!} and we can change out the verses on them.
The kids got a chalkboard easel from grandma and well it just needed new paint {and of course new blackboard paint!} and it just looked too plain. So I put some scripture on the top of it.
Slowly but surely we are covering our house with God's Word!
Coffee cups with scripture.Art work done by the kids.
{This is finished with "Act Justly, Love Mercy, Walk Humbly"}
But don't let it stop there...
Little notes in hubby's lunchbox to bring encouragement while he is at work.
Kid's learning verses.
Christian music playing softly in the background
{You will be amazed at the way your attitude changes when God's Word is being sung around you! Quick side story... Hubby works with all non-Christians in a construction shop. One day they were fighting over the radio, so he took charge, changed it to Praise 106.5. He said the guys had never been nicer to one another, swearing was down, they were curtious to one another. He said it was a great day! And that is with those that don't even know the power of God!}
Verses delivered automatically to my cell phone.
I believe the more we surround our selves, immerse ourselves, with God's Words, the more they are going to take root into our hearts. And anytime God's Words take root into our hearts, our lives, relationships benefit.
Project Ideas:
***Find a great picture of you and hubby... Get a frame with a mat (can be dollar store or one you have laying around) Write or paint a scripture that you had at your wedding, or one of my favorites: "I found the one my heart loves" from Song of Solomon. {And while you are in the Song of Solomon read it with your love!}
***Leave encouraging scripture in your spouses car/truck for him to find throughout the day.
***Write scripture with an erase able marker (vis-a-vi/dry erase) on your mirrors/windows.
***Paint scripture on your walls.
Please share your ideas with us!
One random commenter will be given
2 blackboard conversation bubbles!!!
This is post #3 in Christian Marriage Bloggers Association 1/2 Marathon Challenge!
http://www.upliftingmarriage.com/12-marathon-blog-challenge/ "target= "_blank">
" alt="" width="125" height="125" />
Although I realized that this 1/2 marathon challenge is for marital posts, my posts are not strictly based on marriage but Christian Life. And well I thought it would be a good challenge to write once a day for 13 days! :) Hope that works!
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Day #2... some verses and farm life
Well, this marathon stuff isn't too bad... no soreness, not even a bit winded!
Today's post is just going to be a couple verses that we have on HOPE.
Our church's theme this year is BE HOPE. Is it just a coincidence that the Good Morning Girl's study this season is Colossians {theme: HOPE}? I don't think so...
Today's post is just going to be a couple verses that we have on HOPE.
Our church's theme this year is BE HOPE. Is it just a coincidence that the Good Morning Girl's study this season is Colossians {theme: HOPE}? I don't think so...
Therefore, as the chosen of GOD, holy and dearly loved, put on affection, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, putting up with one another and forgiving one another. ~Colossians 3:12-13a
May the God of HOPE fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in HOPE. ~Romans 15:13
Our lives here on the farm is getting busy... but it seems like we are always busy. We are in the process of harvesting all our goodies that have grown this year. Plums, pears, apples, tomatoes, peppers... Unfortunately our beans and corn didn't do very good this year.
My goal for our little farm is that we will produce the majority of the food we eat in a year. A quart of each produce product for each week... That's 52 pears, 52 applesauce, 52 beans, 52 corn, and the list goes on. But this year that isn't going to happen. Oh well, we can't go full force in just one year...
I am learning to build and be patient. Learning that it takes time to have a successful farm and that it doesn't come overnight. That we need to take steps to being self-sufficient/sustaining. We can't just get all the animals all at once, and go from there. We need to start with a few and build on to that.
I must say I a looking forward to this winter when I can enjoy some more of the indoor hobbies I enjoy, scrapbooking, sewing, baking. But for now, I am going to be thankful for this extended growing season God has given us!
Until tomorrow... May God bless your day and may His light shine through you so that you may BE HOPE!
Monday, October 1, 2012
1/2 Marathon... day 1 :)
So I am am going to try to do a half marathon... but not running! On my blog. Christian Marriage Bloggers Association is putting out a challenge to post everyday for 13 consecutive days. And well I am going to give it my best!
I have a huge fear of talking in front of others. Even if it is just one on one I am scared. I will replay the conversation, analyze it, critic what I said, what you meant, and so on. It is so bad it happens even with my own husband sometimes This is a place where God is working in my life.
A few months back I offered to help with a baby shower. For some crazy reason I even offered to pray aloud with a group for a little girl! {Me! PRAY! ALOUD!!! with others there! This was not me!} And you know what it was fine.
Then we became members at our church... We were asked to give a testimony on Be Hope. Just the thought of it had me itching, hot, tears welling up... Our pastor was shocked I think! So, Greg talked and I stood next to him with tears in my eyes, hands firmly on my son, and face as hot as could be.
I really felt God was telling me I needed to let go and let Him change me.
So... yesterday was our turn to teach children's church. {Even this makes me nervous and scared!} As I was reading the story (Luke 2) I noticed how calm I felt. I even changed my tone when reading to emphasize parts! :) Then the unheard of happened... the kids were getting wild and it was time for songs... {I was not given a singing voice!} And I sang in front of these kids! I felt great! Maybe didn't sound great, but there was no nerves, no tears, no hot face!
Leaving church I felt great! Bragged myself up to my husband... it was a big deal to me!
Then this morning... reading my Mornings With Jesus devotional...
"Let the one who boasts, boast of the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31
"But I'm singing my own praises, am I not? Priding myself on a job well done? That's a slippery slope, I know. Pretty soon I'll forget that the Lord had a hand in this and begin to think it's all about me."
later in the devotional Judy Baer continues: "But it's not true, is it? None of this happened because of me. Without Christ, there's nothing good that I can do. It's all ashes. Only with Him can I really succeed. There is no one to brag about but Jesus. I must never mess with the Father's glory r intrude or lay claim to the holy works of God."
I know that me reading and singing to these kids was all God. He gave me a peace and the words and everything to be able to teach these kids His story. To bring Him glory! But on that drive home I didn't give glory to God. I sang my own praises. And today, He reminded me that it wasn't possible without Him.
How great is God that He grows me and then when I fail to recognize what He has done, He gives me that little reminder to focus on Him and give Him praises!
Our memory verse from yesterday was
I need to remember to shout for joy to the Lord, not sing my own praises! Sing His praises and give all the glory to Him!
I have a huge fear of talking in front of others. Even if it is just one on one I am scared. I will replay the conversation, analyze it, critic what I said, what you meant, and so on. It is so bad it happens even with my own husband sometimes This is a place where God is working in my life.
A few months back I offered to help with a baby shower. For some crazy reason I even offered to pray aloud with a group for a little girl! {Me! PRAY! ALOUD!!! with others there! This was not me!} And you know what it was fine.
Then we became members at our church... We were asked to give a testimony on Be Hope. Just the thought of it had me itching, hot, tears welling up... Our pastor was shocked I think! So, Greg talked and I stood next to him with tears in my eyes, hands firmly on my son, and face as hot as could be.
I really felt God was telling me I needed to let go and let Him change me.
So... yesterday was our turn to teach children's church. {Even this makes me nervous and scared!} As I was reading the story (Luke 2) I noticed how calm I felt. I even changed my tone when reading to emphasize parts! :) Then the unheard of happened... the kids were getting wild and it was time for songs... {I was not given a singing voice!} And I sang in front of these kids! I felt great! Maybe didn't sound great, but there was no nerves, no tears, no hot face!
Leaving church I felt great! Bragged myself up to my husband... it was a big deal to me!
Then this morning... reading my Mornings With Jesus devotional...
"Let the one who boasts, boast of the Lord." 1 Corinthians 1:31
"But I'm singing my own praises, am I not? Priding myself on a job well done? That's a slippery slope, I know. Pretty soon I'll forget that the Lord had a hand in this and begin to think it's all about me."
later in the devotional Judy Baer continues: "But it's not true, is it? None of this happened because of me. Without Christ, there's nothing good that I can do. It's all ashes. Only with Him can I really succeed. There is no one to brag about but Jesus. I must never mess with the Father's glory r intrude or lay claim to the holy works of God."
I know that me reading and singing to these kids was all God. He gave me a peace and the words and everything to be able to teach these kids His story. To bring Him glory! But on that drive home I didn't give glory to God. I sang my own praises. And today, He reminded me that it wasn't possible without Him.
How great is God that He grows me and then when I fail to recognize what He has done, He gives me that little reminder to focus on Him and give Him praises!
Our memory verse from yesterday was
I need to remember to shout for joy to the Lord, not sing my own praises! Sing His praises and give all the glory to Him!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
New Book... Unstoppable 1st chapter preview!
Check out this new book by Nick Vujicic!
Some other links for you today:
*** http://freebies2deals.com/
*** http://www.perspectives.org/site/pp.aspx?c=eqLLI0OFKrF&b=2806295
Perspectives Class~ AMAZING!!!!
*** http://time-warp-wife.blogspot.com/
Time Warp Wife... Based on Titus 2:4-5
Hope you all have a great Wednesday!!! Today I am putting up some of our garden harvest! Rhubarb is in the freezer, peppers are next and I am thinking our plums are almost ready!!! :) Looking forward to filling the freezer and start filling those empty canning jars!
“Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29 ESV
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Life and Links
Well it is official. We have a kindergartner! It took a long time, a lot of phone calls, a late night visit to the district office, two absences (school forced) and then finally our son was able to go to school!
Not only was yesterday his first day of kindergarten, but he also became a Sparky in AWANA!!!! He recited John 3:16 perfectly and got his vest and "real" Sparks book! Oh the verses we are going to learn!
Farm life is busy... there are so many outside jobs to do before the rain starts. Food to be harvested, yards to clean up, piles to burn (must wait for rain for that one), greenhouse to build, plants to split, and so much more! But that is the life. And then on top of it all, I am trying to get a milk cow! How awesome would it be to go and milk our own cow and make our own butter, cheeses, ice cream! It would be just one more step to healthier food for our family! But there are still a few to convince!
Here are a few resources that I have found super helpful this week!
CamPAIN Relief to Start After Political Conventions End by UPWORD2012 {Daily scripture and prayers from now until the end of the campaigns!
Why your husband won't meet your needs... by Sheila Wray Gregoire
How Can I? by The Generous Wife
Freedom in Christ study our women's group is starting TONIGHT!!!
Good Morning Girls Bible Study starting Monday on Colossians!!! If you are looking for a great group of girls from around the world to study scripture with, check this out! You can do an online group, start a group in your area, join one already started... options are endless!
I hope you have a great Thursday!!!
Not only was yesterday his first day of kindergarten, but he also became a Sparky in AWANA!!!! He recited John 3:16 perfectly and got his vest and "real" Sparks book! Oh the verses we are going to learn!
Farm life is busy... there are so many outside jobs to do before the rain starts. Food to be harvested, yards to clean up, piles to burn (must wait for rain for that one), greenhouse to build, plants to split, and so much more! But that is the life. And then on top of it all, I am trying to get a milk cow! How awesome would it be to go and milk our own cow and make our own butter, cheeses, ice cream! It would be just one more step to healthier food for our family! But there are still a few to convince!
Here are a few resources that I have found super helpful this week!
CamPAIN Relief to Start After Political Conventions End by UPWORD2012 {Daily scripture and prayers from now until the end of the campaigns!
Why your husband won't meet your needs... by Sheila Wray Gregoire
How Can I? by The Generous Wife
Freedom in Christ study our women's group is starting TONIGHT!!!
Good Morning Girls Bible Study starting Monday on Colossians!!! If you are looking for a great group of girls from around the world to study scripture with, check this out! You can do an online group, start a group in your area, join one already started... options are endless!
I hope you have a great Thursday!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Conquer Your Fears and “Live to Give” Webcast

Thomas Nelson Author and Hoops of Hope founder, Austin Gutwein, to host September 6 online event to focusing on themes his latest release, Live to Give.
On September 6 at 8 PM EDT, Austin Gutwein will be hosting a live Facebook web event to encourage participants to conquer their fears and use their talents to help others. The webcast will center on the themes Gutwein writes about in his latest release “Live to Give: Letting God Turn Your Talents into Miracles” (Thomas Nelson/August, 2012). At the conclusion of the webcast, the winners of a month-long social media fueled “Get and Give” contest will be announced, including the winner of a Kindle Fire and $250 donated to the winner’s charity of choice.
Join Austin on the evening of Thursday, September 6th as he shares about his own experiences and encourages others to conquers their fears and “live to give”. Austin will also be taking audience questions and interacting with participants. PLUS – there will be several “Live to Give” giveaways – books, gift certificates and much more! RSVP today and tell your friends.
Based on the John 6 story of Jesus feeding the 5000, in “Live to Give” Gutwein challenges his readers that regardless of age and talent, God can use them to make a difference. Even though God could take care of everything Himself and doesn’t really need our help, He desperately WANTS us to help Him care for others. Gutwein walks young people through discovering and embracing their unique God-given strengths and abilities, then figuring out how to use those talents to help others. Sometimes doing that takes a leap of faith on our part, and often becoming fearless in the process.
More about Austin: At eighteen years old, Gutwein speaks with wisdom and has the experience to reinforce his message. When Austin was just nine years old, he watched a video that showed children in Africa who had lost their parents to AIDS. Gutwein realized these kids weren’t any different from him—except they were suffering. Feeling called to help, he took his love of basketball and decided to shoot free throws to raise money for orphans in Zambia. On World AIDS Day in 2004, he shot 2,057 free throws to represent the 2,057 kids who would be orphaned during his day at school. Through sponsorship from parents and friends, Gutwein raised over $3,000 that day to give hope to eight orphans in Zambia.
Over the past eight years, Gutwein’s efforts have created Hoops of Hope, the largest free throw marathon in the world. With an estimated 40,000 people in more than 25 countries participating, Hoops of Hope has raised more than $2.5 million to build schools, medical clinics, dormitories for orphanages, and the only computer lab in Zambia.
Enter to win a Kindle Fire and have $250 donated to your favorite charity. Click for the banner for details and entry or visit http://litfusegroup.com/blogtours/13528976/livetogive.

Learn more about Austin and Hoops of Hope at www.AustinGutwein.com and www.HoopsOfHope.org.
Posted by
3:44 PM
austin gutwein,
hoops of hope,

Thursday, August 30, 2012
Freezer Meals... {Tips, Reipes and more!}
Quite a few months ago a friend and I tackled the Once A Month Cooking method! And well, the first time it cut my grocery bill by about $250. The next month cut it in half!!! Now I am not a pro at this, and still have a lot to learn, but I thought I would share some tips with you all!
First, find a friend to do it with. Look for someone who you can endure stressful situations with, you have about the same family sizes, and you sorta have the same tastes in food. (We learned from experience that it is way way cheaper and easier to do the same recipes!!!)
Second, get your hands on some Once a Month Cooking cookbooks! You may not use their meal plans, or all the recipes, but just by going through them and trying out a few of the steps and recipes you will get an idea for what you can and cannot do! {Like potatoes are not the best freezer items...}
Third, make sure you have freezer space! Yes it is such a great thing to have 30 meals all ready and done for a month, but if you do not have the adiquate space to put them, then, well maybe a 2 week cooking plan works better!
Fourth, find a bulk food store! We started at Costco, but now are almost 100% shopping at Cash and Carry, a bulk store where a lot of resturants and caterers get their foods. You will be buying a huge can of tomatoes for a lot less, where as Costco is many smaller cans at yes, cheaper than the grocery store, but still more expensive than the Cash and Carry.
Fifth, funding! This is a big one. Especially if you are set up to shop once a week. {My husband gets paid weekly so this was something that we have to work on...} The first months expenses will be tougher than say the next month because you will have saved for the following months... The first time we were able to do it was after taxes... When we quit for a while, it was hard to put aside that little bit each week while buying groceries... {I hope this makes sense}. But once you get going, you will save more and stress less!
Sixth, plan ahead! This is a huge one! Go through your freezer and your pantry, see what you have and what you don't. There is nothing like getting to cooking day to realize you don't have any chili powder or flour. I plan on one day, when I actually have a decent pantry, having an inventory list for the freezer, the pantry, the cupboards. So I know with a glance what I have and don't have! Take the time to go through cookbooks, make a calendar of meals and write out all the ingredients you will need! And yes you may need 30 onions! It does seem huge when you sit it all down, but you are cooking for a month, so it will be a big list!
OK, so now that you have done all that stuff, spend a few days looking at cookbooks, browsing blogs, search pinterest {I have a few pinned about freezer cooking}. Think about what your family likes to eat, how they eat, what the schedules allow for. Do you need meals that can be eaten quickly or do you have a little more time for dinner? Do you like elaborate step by step cooking or do you just want to throw everything in a crockpot and be done? If you enjoy cooking, don't worry! You can still do your monthly cooking, and enjoy making dinner every night! You will just do all the prep work ahead of time. If you don't like cooking, crockpot/casseroles can all be assembled ahead of time.
More in the next few days...
First, find a friend to do it with. Look for someone who you can endure stressful situations with, you have about the same family sizes, and you sorta have the same tastes in food. (We learned from experience that it is way way cheaper and easier to do the same recipes!!!)
Third, make sure you have freezer space! Yes it is such a great thing to have 30 meals all ready and done for a month, but if you do not have the adiquate space to put them, then, well maybe a 2 week cooking plan works better!
Fourth, find a bulk food store! We started at Costco, but now are almost 100% shopping at Cash and Carry, a bulk store where a lot of resturants and caterers get their foods. You will be buying a huge can of tomatoes for a lot less, where as Costco is many smaller cans at yes, cheaper than the grocery store, but still more expensive than the Cash and Carry.
Fifth, funding! This is a big one. Especially if you are set up to shop once a week. {My husband gets paid weekly so this was something that we have to work on...} The first months expenses will be tougher than say the next month because you will have saved for the following months... The first time we were able to do it was after taxes... When we quit for a while, it was hard to put aside that little bit each week while buying groceries... {I hope this makes sense}. But once you get going, you will save more and stress less!
Sixth, plan ahead! This is a huge one! Go through your freezer and your pantry, see what you have and what you don't. There is nothing like getting to cooking day to realize you don't have any chili powder or flour. I plan on one day, when I actually have a decent pantry, having an inventory list for the freezer, the pantry, the cupboards. So I know with a glance what I have and don't have! Take the time to go through cookbooks, make a calendar of meals and write out all the ingredients you will need! And yes you may need 30 onions! It does seem huge when you sit it all down, but you are cooking for a month, so it will be a big list!
OK, so now that you have done all that stuff, spend a few days looking at cookbooks, browsing blogs, search pinterest {I have a few pinned about freezer cooking}. Think about what your family likes to eat, how they eat, what the schedules allow for. Do you need meals that can be eaten quickly or do you have a little more time for dinner? Do you like elaborate step by step cooking or do you just want to throw everything in a crockpot and be done? If you enjoy cooking, don't worry! You can still do your monthly cooking, and enjoy making dinner every night! You will just do all the prep work ahead of time. If you don't like cooking, crockpot/casseroles can all be assembled ahead of time.
More in the next few days...
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Learning to flow with the unexpected...
Today is National Eat a Peach Day... and in it's honor we are canning peaches. Well at least I was.
I got a few batches done and was taking a break for lunch. (Something about the kids needing to eat... ) Chloe was cranky most of the day and now we know why. She decided to throw up the little of food she has had today, in the middle of lunch.
So break from lunch, break from peaches, clean everything, including the kid {who seems to be doing fine now...}.
I am just praying the rest of us don't get this little stomach bug (which has been going around... we just were hoping it was going to skip this house!) since Jacob has his Dr appointment at Children's Hospital tomorrow for his cough, followed by a trip to the zoo!
So now we wait... and finish canning peaches and making peach jam! (Oh and can the apricots we have too!) We just don't leave the house and hope that mommy's upset tummy is from cleaning up from Chloe's upset tummy.
And well, before we get back to jam and peaches, I think I take some time to cuddle my little girl, and let her know how much she is loved! And instead of looking at it as an disruption, I look at it as a detour that gives me time to love on the kiddos!
I got a few batches done and was taking a break for lunch. (Something about the kids needing to eat... ) Chloe was cranky most of the day and now we know why. She decided to throw up the little of food she has had today, in the middle of lunch.
So break from lunch, break from peaches, clean everything, including the kid {who seems to be doing fine now...}.
I am just praying the rest of us don't get this little stomach bug (which has been going around... we just were hoping it was going to skip this house!) since Jacob has his Dr appointment at Children's Hospital tomorrow for his cough, followed by a trip to the zoo!
So now we wait... and finish canning peaches and making peach jam! (Oh and can the apricots we have too!) We just don't leave the house and hope that mommy's upset tummy is from cleaning up from Chloe's upset tummy.
And well, before we get back to jam and peaches, I think I take some time to cuddle my little girl, and let her know how much she is loved! And instead of looking at it as an disruption, I look at it as a detour that gives me time to love on the kiddos!
{And tomorrow I will share our new recipe for canning peaches! As well as give a farm update!}
Friday, March 16, 2012
Song of My Heart Review
About the
Sadie Wagner has always been devoted to her family. So when her stepfather
is injured and can't work, she decides to leave home and accept a position as a
clerk at the mercantile in Goldtree, Kansas. Goldtree also offers the
opportunity to use her God-given singing talent--though the promised opera house
is far different from what she imagined. With her family needing every cent she
can provide, Sadie will do anything to keep her job.
McKane comes to Goldtree at the request of the town council. The town has been plagued by bootlegging operations, and Thad believes he can find the culprit.
After he earns enough money doing sheriff work, he wants to use it to pay for his training to become a minister.
Thad is immediately attracted to the beautiful singer who performs in Asa
Baxter's unusual opera house, but when he hears her practicing bawdy tunes, he
begins to wonder if she's far less innocent than she seems. And when Sadie
appears to be part of the very crimes he's come to investigate, is there any
hope the love blossoming between them will survive?

She invites you to visit her Web site at www.kimvogelsawyer.com for more
Link to buy the book: http://ow.ly/9uLOD
My Review:
I was swept to Indiana from the beginning. Then in a whirlwind I was in Kansas, feeling that hot dust whip around me. Kim Vogel Sawyer inserts her readers into the story so that you really aren't reading a love story you are living it! I am a fan of sweet love stories, but this one was taken to the next level! I loved the heroic story line, but instead of the typical hero being a man, it was Miss Sadie, out to save her family. Sawyer painted such an amazing picture that I really was in love with the Sheriff, and felt that hurt of loosing a childhood cousin's familiar relationship. One of my favorite things about this book was the way that Sawyer used the different point of views to tell the story, you didn't just get Sadie's thoughts, but also Sid's and Thad's. And when the story gets really really good and you want to know what one of the characters is thinking... you don't get that point of view because it would give away the whole thing!! And you are left wondering, "WHAT IS SHE/HE THINKING!?!?!" Which in the end makes for a much better story! All in all, I think I have once again found a new author and look forward to reading more in the future... I am hoping there is a follow up novel to this story...
Check out these other reviews http://litfusegroup.com/blogtours/text/13461539/kimvogelsawyer
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP TODAY and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!
Win a Nook Tablet
from Kim Vogel Sawyer and RSVP for her "Song of My Heart" Facebook
Party {3/29}!
Celebrate with Kim by entering to
win a Nook Tablet and connecting with her at the Book Chat Party on

One "songbird" winner will receive:
- A Nook Tablet
- Song of My Heart by Kim Vogel Sawyer
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/28/12. Winner will be announced at Kim's Book Chat Facebook Party on 3/29. Kim will be hosting an evening of chat, fun trivia and more! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, and much more! |
So grab your copy of Song of My
Heart and join Kim and friends on the evening of March 29th
for an evening of fun.
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Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP TODAY and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Changed heart on Monday?
OK, I know this was supposed to go out yesterday, but the sun was shining and the chicken poop was calling... Jacob and I had to muck out the chicken coop and do some other outside chores, and then deal with a sick Chloe and oh yeah that 3 month old we have living in the house... So here is my Dreadful or Thankful response...
That is all I can say about my Monday!
I was challenged to the brink! The house was a mess, kids were beyond cranky, I had to haul all three of them to the auction house to look for pigs and just check it out some more before Saturday's feeder sale. We had grocery shopping at 3 different stores and I was done!
But... throughout the day I had to think...
How amazing is it that I can go to this auction, let the kids enjoy the animals and learn something new?
How amazing is it that I can go and buy chicken food and more supplies for a new breed of chickens I will be getting soon? And how amazing is my husband for indulging my chicken obsession?
How amazing that we get to have a special treat of eating out for lunch?
How amazing is it that we have stores that carry everything we need, and they are so close?
How amazing that I can go to the grocery store and buy fresh healthy food for my family?
How amazing has God blessed me with these three beautiful children? I am SO BLESSED by them!
I know there were times when I was frustrated, overwhelmed, cranky, but I did catch myself and changed my thoughts around to thanksgiving not grumbling! And it was good!!! I felt better almost instantly!
Share your post about having a dreadful or thankful Monday!!! Link up below!
That is all I can say about my Monday!
I was challenged to the brink! The house was a mess, kids were beyond cranky, I had to haul all three of them to the auction house to look for pigs and just check it out some more before Saturday's feeder sale. We had grocery shopping at 3 different stores and I was done!
But... throughout the day I had to think...
How amazing is it that I can go to this auction, let the kids enjoy the animals and learn something new?
How amazing is it that I can go and buy chicken food and more supplies for a new breed of chickens I will be getting soon? And how amazing is my husband for indulging my chicken obsession?
How amazing that we get to have a special treat of eating out for lunch?
How amazing is it that we have stores that carry everything we need, and they are so close?
How amazing that I can go to the grocery store and buy fresh healthy food for my family?
How amazing has God blessed me with these three beautiful children? I am SO BLESSED by them!
I know there were times when I was frustrated, overwhelmed, cranky, but I did catch myself and changed my thoughts around to thanksgiving not grumbling! And it was good!!! I felt better almost instantly!
Share your post about having a dreadful or thankful Monday!!! Link up below!
Monday, March 5, 2012
March Mondays~ dreadful or thankful?
Are you ever excited for a Monday?
It usually means back to work, back to school, cleaning the house, laundry, back to the daily grind of life.
What if we looked at Mondays differently? Start looking at them as a new opportunity to expand God's Kingdom? A new day to get out there and live out what we learned on Sunday?
Usually after church on Sunday I am feeling great, wanting to live out life and be more like Jesus and "go forth and make disciples".
But then Monday comes, and it is up early, making lunches {forgot to make my mom's this am for her!} getting the hubby off to work, staying up to get some studying done for Perspectives before the kids wake up~ this morning that didn't happen Chloe was up at 6:30 and then we snuggled and went back to bed... Then I look at the house, the dishes, the laundry, the floors!!! YIKES! And it all seems to daunting! But what if we started to look at our Mondays differently?
*Being thankful to do the laundry because we have clothes to wear and clothe our families.
*Being thankful to do dishes, because that means we have food to eat.
*Being thankful to clean a house, because that means that we have a house!
*Being thankful to go to work, because it means we have a job!
*Being thankful to go to school, because it means we have the opportunity to get an education!
*Being thankful that we have to go grocery shopping with 3 screaming kids, because we have $ to buy food (fresh food!) and we have 3 beautiful babies!
This month lets look at our Mondays,
Not as a dreadful day but instead as a thankful day!
Being thankful in all we do!
And then see how the rest of the week will play out!
Join me on this months challenge! There will be a link up on Tuesday to share how your Monday went! So come back and join me to change Monday from dreadful to THANKFUL!
Thursday, March 1, 2012
The Maid of Fairbourne Hall
Don't miss the perfect blend of Regency-era romance and
mystery in The Maid of Fairbourne Hall! Grab a
copy and then be
sure to enter Julie's Kindle Fire Giveaway and RSVP for her Author Chat party
on Facebook! Swoon.
One fortunate winner will receive:
- A brand new Kindle Fire
- A Julie Klassen Library (The Maid of Fairbourne Hall, The Girl in the Gatehouse, and The Silent Governess)
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/14/12. Winner will be announced at Julie's Fairbourne Hall Book Chat Party on 3/15. Julie will be hosting an evening of chat, trivia and a sneak peek of her next book - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books and a Downton Abbey Prize Pack (Seasons 1 and 2)!
So grab your copy of The Maid of Fairbourne Hall and join Julie and friends on the evening of March 15th for a book chat party.
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on March 15th!
About the
To escape a scheme to
marry her off to a dishonorable man, Margaret Macy flees London disguised as a
housemaid. If she can remain unwed until her next birthday, she will receive an
inheritance, and with it, sweet independence. But she never planned on actually
working as a servant. And certainly not in the home of Nathaniel and Lewis
Upchurch--both former suitors.
As she fumbles through
the first real work of her life, Margaret struggles to keep her identity secret
when suspicions arise and prying eyes visit Fairbourne Hall. Can she avoid a
trap meant to force her from hiding?

Link to buy the
My thoughts on the book:
First, I just love this time period (1800s!) such an elegant, great way of life. I love the innocent act of courting, the faith in God, the dresses... oh the dresses!
My first Julie Klassen novel ever, and I must say I am hooked! I loved the way her words painted pictures in my mind, how I could feel the pain of Nora's raw hands, the ache of her back, the pain of rejecting and the fear she felt. Not only did Julie paint a great romance story, she intertwined a murder thrill as well!
I was intrigued by the character development of Nora and how she really came into her self by the situations that God put her in. I loved how not only were her eyes opened to the life of the servants, but the entire Upchurch household's eyes were opened, and thus (if the story were true) probably changed the lives of many!
The genuine love of God in Nathaniel Upchurch was contagious to his servants, sister and let's hope his brother!
Thank you for such a great love story! I look forward to reading more of Julie's books in the future!
I was sent this book by Litfuse for my honest review. I was not paid to give positive feedback, with either money or gifts.
*****Now for my giveaway!!!*****
I will send one reader my copy of this book!
All you must do is enter the above contest, and comment below. If you want to share this contest on Facebook, twitter, blog, it is of course worth more entries!
This giveaway will end on March 5th, enter today!!
Posted by
12:10 PM
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book review,
Julie Klassen,

Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Life is...
... routine, messy, exciting, scheduled, impulsive, tiring, boring.
We are finally coming into a routine of our own, but then of course there are situations that throw us for a loop, like a clogged septic tank pipe which left us without being able to drain water for a day....
The kids are doing well, for once we are pretty healthy. We are trying to figure out an allergy? to apple juice for Chloe. It is either that or the mixture of milk in the morning and apple juice for snack... Whatever it is, it drives me nuts! Jacob is loving the farm life, and of course getting into routine with friends again! He goes to AWANA, Kid's Bible Class and enjoys small group along with Sunday School and Children's Church! Isaac is growing like a weed, almost 3 months old now! I forget how much I love little baby boys!
Greg is coming into his own at work. I think he is really enjoying his new job. He is learning so much new stuff and will start playing with Auto-CAD this week. He has started a accountability partner relationship, which is good for everyone I think! He is excited about our upcoming garden and doing our own starts, so that means planning and building a greenhouse!
We are also getting excited about the upcoming calves and piglets we will be getting soon! The farm life is pretty exciting for us!
I am doing well. Struggling with a few issues that I have, but overall doing good. Trying to catch up in Perspectives and Experiencing God, really loving them both and learning so much about God and myself! I am loving my chickens and trying not to keep adopting new ones! We will be getting chicks soon, so that will be an experience!
Tomorrow will be another book review, so come check it out and enter in another giveaway! A special congrats to Tara over at http://taraleann.blogspot.com/ who is getting a copy of The Beautiful Wife book, Prayer journal, Mentor's Guide and a copy of Mornings With Jesus 2012!!!!
We are finally coming into a routine of our own, but then of course there are situations that throw us for a loop, like a clogged septic tank pipe which left us without being able to drain water for a day....
The kids are doing well, for once we are pretty healthy. We are trying to figure out an allergy? to apple juice for Chloe. It is either that or the mixture of milk in the morning and apple juice for snack... Whatever it is, it drives me nuts! Jacob is loving the farm life, and of course getting into routine with friends again! He goes to AWANA, Kid's Bible Class and enjoys small group along with Sunday School and Children's Church! Isaac is growing like a weed, almost 3 months old now! I forget how much I love little baby boys!
Greg is coming into his own at work. I think he is really enjoying his new job. He is learning so much new stuff and will start playing with Auto-CAD this week. He has started a accountability partner relationship, which is good for everyone I think! He is excited about our upcoming garden and doing our own starts, so that means planning and building a greenhouse!
We are also getting excited about the upcoming calves and piglets we will be getting soon! The farm life is pretty exciting for us!
I am doing well. Struggling with a few issues that I have, but overall doing good. Trying to catch up in Perspectives and Experiencing God, really loving them both and learning so much about God and myself! I am loving my chickens and trying not to keep adopting new ones! We will be getting chicks soon, so that will be an experience!
Tomorrow will be another book review, so come check it out and enter in another giveaway! A special congrats to Tara over at http://taraleann.blogspot.com/ who is getting a copy of The Beautiful Wife book, Prayer journal, Mentor's Guide and a copy of Mornings With Jesus 2012!!!!
I hope you all are doing well, and you take this extra day of the year to do something special!
Friday, February 24, 2012
Embraced by God *Babbie Mason*

Celebrate with Babbie by entering her Nook Tablet Giveaway and coming to her "Embraced Facebook Party {3/6}!

One beloved winner will receive:
- A Brand new Nook Tablet with Wi-Fi
- Embraced by God by Babbie Mason
- Babbie's Embraced by God Music CD
- Babbie's Embraced by God Note cards
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/5/12. Winner will be announced at Babbie's "Embraced" Facebook Party on 3/6. Babbie will be hosting an evening of chat, music, laughter, and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, Embraced by God music CDs and Note cards, and a book club prize pack! (Ten copies of the book for your small group or book club.)
So grab your copy of Embraced by
God and join Babbie and friends on the evening of March 6th for an
evening of fun.
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on March 6th!
About the
Have you ever wondered, "Does God really love me? Do I really matter to
As a matter of fact, God loves you just as much as he loves His own Son.
In the pages of this heartwarming, thoughtful and life-affirming 21-day
journey, award-winning gospel singer, songwriter, and teacher Babbie Mason
reminds you, when you know you are loved by God and that you are in His eternal
plan, you’ll never again wonder if your life matters.
Click for more information: http://archive.constantcontact.com/fs019/1101807863309/archive/1109062257179.html
About Babbie

Link to buy the book: http://www.abingdonpress.com/forms/DynamicContent.aspx?id=141&pageid=677
My thoughts on this book:
So I got this beautiful book and thought "oh great, another book on how loved I am by God..." because lets be hones there are so many of them now. But then opened it and was taken away by the honest, Scripture based words in this book. I really loved how it starts off with saying "I am God's favorite." Yes we can say God loves me and I know it, but have you ever said, or even thought, you are God's favorite? Out of the how-many-ever-billion people on earth, YOU are God's favorite! How much more amazing does that make God look to you?
I had sat down thinking this was going to be another quick 21 day book on God's love, but it is so much more! Each day is filled to the brim with encouragement, truth, and 7 Promises from God. Babbie shares her own journey on being embraced by God to help show other women how much God loves them so they may come Him ad be embraced in His love.
I really enjoyed the Embrace Your Day applications at the end of each day. The prayers were meaningful and not too wordy. There are 4 sections at the end of each chapter to Think About His Love, Read About His Love, Pray About His Love, Be About His Love, so that you are not just reading but really absorbing and changing the way you think and act.
I really hope you will look into adding this amazing book into your collection. I know I look forward to reading it again and again. Don't forget to enter the contest and join us on March 6th for the Facebook party!
I was given this book in return for my honest opinion. Enjoy!
Posted by
10:17 AM
No comments:
Babbie Mason,
book review,

Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Beautiful Wife
Celebrate with Sandy by entering her Kindle Touch Giveaway and coming to her "Beautiful Womanhood" Facebook Party {3/8}!

One beautiful winner will receive:
- A Brand new Kindle Touch with Wi-Fi
- The Beautiful Wife By Sandy Ralya
- The Beautiful Wife Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends 3/7/12. Winner will be announced at Sandy's "Beautiful Womanhood" Facebook Party on 3/8. Sandy will be hosting an evening of chat, laughter and encouragement - bring your friends! She'll also be giving away some GREAT prizes: gift certificates, books, prayer journals and a live chat with Sandy for your Bible study or small group!
So grab your copy of The Beautiful Wife and join Sandy and friends on the evening of March 8th for an evening of fun.
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on March 8th!
About the book:

About Sandy Ralya:

Link to buy the book: http://www.amazon.com/dp/0825442206/ref=as_li_ss_til?tag=sprightly-20&camp=0&creative=0&linkCode=as4&creativeASIN=0825442206&adid=1W3K2YQ18448XYFD3ZQ8
Check out these videos:
1. Sandy’s Testimony. This is directed primarily at wives. Sandy speaks to the mentors for a few seconds near the end, but her testimony will be one that resonates with wives as well.
2. About BEAUTIFUL WOMANHOOD Ministry. This uses Sandy’s experience to speak directly to the marriage mentor to encourage and equip her role as a mentor.
My Review:
I was given The Beautiful Wife book, Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide to review. I LOVE this resource! First of all I am always a fan of a biblically based marriage resource, but to come across one that works on you, the wife, is even better. I was challenged weekly to pray for my spouse, talk about things with my spouse on how I could be a better wife to him, and of course draw nearer to the Lord. Sandy really is a beautiful writer, and I could really relate to her since she had gone through so many troubles I have. I was really amazed with all the different topics that she had me work through as a wife, and was doubly amazed at her honest of her own flaws.
The Prayer Journal is a must to go with the book! There are so many extras in it, that you really can not get the full extent of The Beautiful Wife without it.
Thus being said, the Mentor's Guide was great as well! I was not able to do this in a group setting or with an accountability partner (an extra plus for this resource!) but do look forward to doing it in the future with some of my wife friends and believe that I will get even more out of it then.
I was also drawn to the Beautiful Womanhood website where there are even more resources for you as a woman!
This is a set I recommend to all of my wife friends! And with that I am giving away a copy of The Beautiful Wife book, Prayer Journal and Mentor's Guide! Just comment below and for more entries share this review on facebook, twitter, or your blog (1 entry for each, 2 for sharing on blog~ just make sure to comment when you do {you may leave 1 comment for all, just let me know what you do!} and then I will randomly pick one winner on March 1)
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Romance Blooms with Showers of Confidence~ Guest Post
Another amazing post from Beautiful Womanhood!
Men are highly sensitive to signals of doubt because doubt plagues them.
If you continually give off signals of doubt, you will confirm the fear of inadequacy that lurks deep within your husband.
Romance Blooms with Showers
of Confidence
Men are highly sensitive to signals of doubt because doubt plagues them.
If you continually give off signals of doubt, you will confirm the fear of inadequacy that lurks deep within your husband.
a man believes he doesn’t have what it takes to please you, there’s not much
chance he’ll attempt romance.
“A wise woman builds her house, but
a foolish woman tears it down with her own hands” (Proverbs
your husband and his abilities tears away at a man; conferring confidence
builds him up.
A confident man is grateful to the one who believes in him.
A confident man is grateful to the one who believes in him.
Do you have confidence in
your husband, or do you find yourself regularly second-guessing him?
Do you struggle with doubt when it comes to his abilities?
He needs to be supported by your confidence in him
He needs to be supported by your confidence in him
- at
- in the
- and in
his dream for the future.
At home, I wanted Tom involved with the
discipline of our children but was rarely pleased with his methods. I thought
he was too strict and should be more understanding. Instead of communicating clearly with Tom about my concerns, I undermined his authority by
smoothing things over with the kids behind his back.
My actions conveyed a lack
of confidence in my husband.
I sabotaged our parenting and our marriage.
Our kids learned their parents weren’t always on the same team, so if
they worked on the more lenient parent, they might get their way.
Tom felt hurt and angry.
Doubting my husband didn’t open any doors to romance!
media constantly broadcast fear and doubt concerning the future. Against this
tidal wave of doom and gloom,
difficult for a man to confidently believe that God has planned a hopeful
future for him.
my husband was going through a job transition a couple of years ago, it became
apparent he was struggling with doubt over his ability to succeed in a new
venture. He was really down one day when he commented, “Most men don’t make a job change at fifty.”
“Who says?”
He rewarded me with a smile from ear to ear.
He rewarded me with a smile from ear to ear.
Tom’s words weren’t so
much a statement of fact as they were a question—he was asking me if I believed he could successfully make a job change at
A wise wife counteracts the media’s message of fear with a daily dose
of confidence.
Inspiring confidence in your husband is like pouring
water on dry, thirsty ground.
What seeds of potential lie dormant within your husband,
waiting for the showers of your confidence?
What does your husband dream of doing?
your husband know that you believe in him.
If you don’t, who will?
Breathe words of confidence into your husband today and watch as
he stands taller with every word spoken.
said, pray about which ones to encourage. If your husband’s dreams take him in
a direction that worries you, consider your concerns.
Are they rooted in selfishness or fear?
Are they rooted in selfishness or fear?
to God and give Him your worries.
Conferring confidence invites your husband to romance.
Conferring confidence invites your husband to romance.
Could your love-life benefit from showers of confidence?
Posted by
1:49 PM

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